I Don’t Do Kids, Dislike Being Around Them—And I’m Not Sorry

Lately, I feel like my brain is messing with me. Do you ever notice when your best ideas come to you? For me, it’s always while I’m driving! And that’s incredibly frustrating. I have this habit of writing down my thoughts the second they come to me—but that’s impossible when I’m behind the wheel. By the time I sit down to write, those brilliant ideas have often vanished. Classic.

Today, as if my brain playing tricks on me wasn’t enough, I came home to find the elevators broken, which meant I had to climb the 17 flights of stairs to get to my apartment. That’s enough to erase all of my memories right there. Seriously, by the time I hit the 17th floor, I was pretty sure I was going to forget my entire existence. Haha.

Thankfully, I wasn’t alone. I had someone to climb with, and he’s much fitter than I am. We didn’t stop once, and of course, I couldn’t let my ego take a hit, so I acted like I was fine (while internally crying for mercy) when he asked me, “Are you okay?”

—after all, I’m a strong, independent woman, right? 😂



I barely made it into my apartment before collapsing onto the couch. Just when I thought I could finally relax, my neighbour texted me, asking if I could help babysit her sons for a couple of hours. I’m not exactly a fan of kids—being around them often feels exhausting, but being the responsible person I am, I agreed. Besides, how hard could a few hours be? Turns out, it wasn’t as bad as I expected—thankfully, these two siblings were well-mannered, which made the whole experience tolerable.

I ordered them pizza and put on Disney+ to keep them occupied. I asked,

“Do you guys like the Avengers? Want to watch one of their movies?” while getting the TV ready and telling them to sit on the couch.

“Yes!” the younger one said, a little too excitedly.

I couldn’t resist asking, “Have you seen Infinity War?” as the trailer played.

“No, not yet,” the older one answered.

“Who’s your favourite?” Please say, Ironman. Please say, Ironman. I was internally praying.

With a huge grin, he responded, “Ironman! He’s the best!”

I hit play but couldn’t resist a little teasing. With a straight face, I said, “He died. Enjoy the movie.”

Their reactions were priceless—totally worth the climb up those stairs. Gotta share the struggle, right? 😆



I’ll admit, the kids growing up these days don’t make it any easier. The way some of them act these days just rubs me the wrong way. Some of them come across as a bit entitled or less polite compared to how I remember kids behaving when I was growing up, which can be frustrating at times. I mean, when I was younger, we had respect for our elders. I don’t know if it’s just me, but they act as if the world owes them something, and they’re often rude for no reason.

They’re annoying but also unpredictable. For example, once I was in an elevator with a family, and their little girl was staring at me. I’m not the friendly type when it comes to kids—except for my niece and nephew, of course. I gave her my best “evil” look, and as they exited the elevator, I overheard her tell her mom, “She’s beautiful.” The mother smiled at me, and the little girl waved goodbye. I was mortified. 😂 It’s moments like that that make me wonder if I should start being nicer to kids, but honestly, I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon. I just don’t have the patience for it.

Another time, a little boy—probably around 5 or 6—kept staring at me. His father noticed and said, “Stop staring at her like that. You’re making her uncomfortable.” I gave a polite smile, and the father apologized, but I can’t help but feel like kids have some kind of radar for when you don’t like them. It’s like they know, and they choose to stare at you even more. It’s almost as if they’re plotting something. 🤣

When it comes to babies, I know people gush about babies, but I’ve never felt the same excitement. I’ve been forced to hold a baby a few times, but I’m not even kidding—it’s never lasted more than a minute. Nope, not for me. Take that baby away. 😫

Maybe one day I’ll feel differently when I have my own, but for now, I’m happy being the aunt who adores spending time with her niece and nephew. I love being able to enjoy their company without the full-time responsibilities that come with parenthood, and honestly, that works perfectly for me at this stage in my life


Til then! X, Hani. ❤