Category: Interests

A Weekend Lunch Outing at Mee Kicap Ipoh,Southville.

As someone born and raised in Ipoh, I take immense pride in the local Ipoh cuisine, no matter where I go. Two months ago, while I was in Southville City,…
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Officially One Year Older: Am I Bad, Mad Or Wiser?

Urgh, I hate getting older, but I think it's time for me to embrace it—embrace the changes. I like to think that I'm forever 27, clinging to that age like…
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Kundasang Trip 2024: Itinerary For 4D 3N To Kundasang,Sabah.

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Sabah for the first time in my life! I've always wanted to come here, and it was truly a dream come true to…
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Dream World Resort Kundasang: Basic Resort, Unbeatable Views.

Of all the accommodations I've experienced, Dream World Resort Kundasang stands out as one of my favourites. While I'm typically not a big fan of simple, basic resorts, this resort…
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A Night In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

My arrival in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, was quite late, so I didn't have much time to explore the city since I had to go to the University Malaysia Sabah (UMS)…
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Weekend Sweet Treat: A Date at Chef Kecik Cafe.

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Chef Kecik Cafe for their pastries. Situated a bit far from my home in Putrajaya, this little gem is nestled in a charming…
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Just Had an Enjoyable Team-Building Programme at Pangkor Island

I remember the first time I heard about the team-building programme; I refused to go. I'm not a big fan of spending my weekends with other people, especially when it's…
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Is It Okay To Look At Your Partner’s Phone?

I recently came across a video on Instagram where a woman asked her husband if she could use his phone. Despite her simple request, it was striking to see how…
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Take Me Back to 2018-2019

As I recently scrolled through my external hard drive to delete some old photos, I found myself swept up in a wave of nostalgia. Seeing the photos of myself smiling,…
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I Don’t Like Routine and I Need to Manage My Time Better

Hello, it's been a while... again..Haha. Honestly, I'm sitting here not knowing what to write, but I'll just let my brain and fingers do their thing today. I do feel…
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A Positive Start Of The Year And I’m Hype For What Lies Ahead!

Reflecting on the past year, I kicked off 2023 with a big list of New Year's resolutions. Yep, it might sound a bit silly to some, but let's keep it…
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You Can Be Afraid Of Love But Embrace It Anyway.

Hello there! 😃 It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, frankly speaking, I've been pretty tied up these past few months. Life has taken quite a turn, and I've found…
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7 Poor Manners That Some People Need To Work On.

Have you ever found yourself in situations where you wished someone's manners were just... better? We've all been there! Politeness and good manners are like the glue that holds our…
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6 Little Things You Can Do To Put a Smile on His Face.

If you are one of my regular readers, you already know how much the little things mean to me. I often express this sentiment in my posts, as I consider…
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7 Beauty Mistakes I’ve Made and REGRET!

When it comes to beauty, I can say that we all had these moments of curiosity, which led us to try new things. Looking back on those days, I can't…
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7 Quick Outfit Tips I Use to Achieve a Classy and Elegant Look.

If you're anything like me, you've probably experienced those moments when you stand in front of your closet, staring blankly at the multitude of clothes, feeling utterly lost on what…
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I Went on My First Date in Years – That’s Enough for This Year!

I went on a date recently. Can you believe it? It has been a while, but to be honest, I didn't enjoy it. I would rather stay at home, writing…
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Learn to Be Content on Your Own and Break Free from Negativity.

I recently had a conversation with someone who seemed to be facing some tough challenges in life. I find it very difficult to say anything positive to him and I…
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I Enjoy Being a Friendly Local and Guiding Travelers in Exploring the Culture and Surroundings.

As someone who loves to travel, I find that the connections I make with the locals I encounter along the way often make my trips truly special. Their warm welcomes,…
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There Are Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have To Pick One.

In a world that often makes being single seem like a problem, I've been rocking my single status for the past four years and living my best life. Instead of…
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Savana Hotel,Perlis: A Clean Hotel With A Good Interior Design.

During my work trip to Perlis, I decided to stay at the Savana Hotel in Kuala Perlis. While it is conveniently located just 5 minutes away from the building where…
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A Quick Day Trip In Perlis, Malaysia And Must-Visit Restaurants!

I recently visited Perlis for a work trip and during my time there, I had the chance to go on a quick day trip with my colleagues who worked in…
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“Happy Birthday” Is a Simple Phrase, But It Means So Much To Me.

As I'm writing this post, I still remember that moment when I sat alone in front of my beachfront villa in Krabi, feeling the gentle touch of a cool ocean…
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Cara Renew Passport Secara Online & Pengambilan Passport (Putrajaya).

Berikut adalah perkongsian ringkas untuk sesiapa yang baru nak renew passport dan tempat pengambilan adalah di Putrajaya. Bagi yang tinggal di luar Putrajaya, jangan risau, cara adalah sama sahaja cuma…
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I’m Not A Backpacker,Never A Fan Of Backpacking And Here’s Why.

Backpacking—you've probably heard of it—is a popular way of traveling among adventurers out there. In case you're not familiar, backpacking is when people pack their stuff into a backpack and…
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Blog Niche: Writing Random Topics Vs. Focused Content.

If you've been keeping up with my blog, you might have noticed that I don't limit myself to a specific niche. It's a personal blog where I write about random…
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Can You Really Have Close Friendships With Your Exes?

I used to be quite close with most of my exes even after our relationships ended, simply because I saw no reason not to. To be honest, when I was…
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What’s Wrong With Married People These Days?

"If I had a penny for every married man who showed interest in me, I'd be rich." Yup, you read it right. I'd be married by now if I didn't…
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Adapting Yourself To Different People & Situations Is Not Being Fake.

I recently hung out with a friend for coffee. She made an interesting comment: "I don't treat people the same. I treat them based on their personalities." I can completely…
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Poetry in Progress: Editing Takes Forever (But It’s Worth It!)

I've always been a passionate fan of poetry, but one thing that often gets in my way is my own self-doubt. It's as if I'm my own worst critic, constantly…
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Anti-Aging Skincare Product Reviews: Clinelle Caviar Gold Series.

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, finding the perfect and affordable anti-aging product can be a challenging task. With numerous options available, it's very important to choose a product that…
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Dealing With People’s Behavior Gives Me Mental Exhaustion.

We all know what it's like to interact with a diverse range of people each day. Sometimes those interactions can be fulfilling and uplifting, but let's face it – they…
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Speak Your Truth and Make a Difference.

In the past, I used to keep the bad experiences I had and what people did to me to myself, kept them hidden in my journal. I felt like I…
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The Mistakes I Made With Men In The Past That You Can Learn From.

Let's be real: relationships can be tough. As someone who has had her fair share of experiences with men, I know that building a strong and healthy connection takes effort…
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How I Stay In Shape and Maintain My Body.

There was a time when I freaked out after gaining some weight. I wasn't actually getting fat; I just wasn't used to having any shape after spending most of my…
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Cara Untuk Design Ecards Dan Kongsi Secara Online.

Sekarang ni banyak benda yang kita boleh buat secara online. Lebih cepat dan mudah. Today I nak share salah satu website yang menjadi favourite I bagi mencipta design ecards dan…
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The Power of Giving Someone Closure.

Closure can often feel like an elusive concept that we may not always get in life, despite our best efforts. It's difficult to accept, but it's a truth we must…
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10 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing.

Who doesn't want healthy and glowing skin? We all want to look our best, but let's face it, sometimes our skin doesn't cooperate. Whether it's stress, pollution, or just the…
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30 Things About Me That Most People Don’t Know.

We all have our quirks that make us stand out in our own way, right? Sometimes, these quirks can be difficult to share with others, especially if we fear that…
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What My Nightly Beauty Routine Looks Like.

As someone who is passionate about feeling beautiful from head to toe, my nightly beauty routine is an essential part of my daily routine. From cleansing my face to applying…
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The 15 Types of People I Avoid Befriending at All Costs.

As a social creature, I know firsthand how important it is to surround ourselves with good company and cultivate meaningful friendships. However, the reality is that not everyone we meet…
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Ginvera Marvel White Gel: Produk Exfoliate Yang Sangat Berkesan.

Dalam dunia penjagaan kulit, asalnya I bukan someone yang banyak menggunakan produk kecantikan kulit. Cukup sekadar penggunaan pencuci muka, scrub, toner dan cream muka. Tetapi, rutin penjagaan kulit I berubah…
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Being Destroyed By Someone Can Often Force You To Re-create Yourself

I must admit, I actually tried to avoid writing this kind of blog post now, but yeah, it's been some time since I've written anything about my emotions, especially about…
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My Experience Being A Vegan For 7 Days.

As someone who has been interested in healthy eating and sustainability, I've been curious about going vegan for quite some time. So, for the past 7 days, I decided to…
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How Self-Care And Self-Improvement Matters for Self-Confidence.

"Nat, I'm so pretty!" I texted him with a giggle as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It was a random message, but I felt this sudden urge…
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Why I Like Living A Simple Life.

I've always been someone who appreciates the simple things in life, so it's no surprise that I prefer to live a simple life rather than chasing after constant busyness or…
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Haircare: The Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Hair.

Daily hair care may sound very simple, but many of us continue to make mistakes that cause damage to build up and ruin our hair. We all want to have…
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Say Goodbye to Acne with MedicDeno Blemish Control Essence.

After experiencing a severe breakout on the T-zone of my face (forehead mostly) for years, I understand the pain of finding a skincare product that works. So, when my doctor…
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Carian Telefon Hilang Dengan Menggunakan Akaun Google.

Pernah tak berhadapan dengan situasi you terlupa you letak phone di mana ataupun phone you tu hilang—dalam dalam masa yang sama, phone tu 'on silent'? Yup, I pun pernah lalui…
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Quillbot: A Tool That Helps Me Improve My Writing and English Skills.

Writing is a craft. It requires ongoing improvement. As a regular blogger and aspiring poetry writer who writes on a daily basis, I know it's important to create authentic and…
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Always Cherish People Who Truly Love And Care For Us.

My brother's father-in-law was in critical condition two days ago following a road accident. When the doctor told our family there was nothing they could do, we hoped for a…
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Grammarly: A Tool That Helps Me Detect Grammar Errors In My Writing.

As someone who writes on a daily basis for both my blog and poetry,  I'm always looking for ways to improve my writing and language skills. Since English isn't my…
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The Basic Disciplines That I Think Everybody Should Practice.

Have you ever noticed how basic discipline appears to be a dying art these days? With the constant distractions of technology and the lack of boundaries in our daily lives,…
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Olay Regenerist Retinol 24: The One Retinol Product I Swear By.

Retinol is a popular ingredient in the skincare industry, and with good reason. It has been proven to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.…
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The Psychology Of Manipulation You Should Now.

I recently read a fascinating book about the psychology of manipulation and was struck by how common these tactics are in our daily lives, both at home and at work.…
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I’m glad I met some great people on Tinder before I stopped using it.

I last used Tinder about two years ago, and I had over 2000 matches. Yes, you read that correctly: 2000! It's safe to say that I was pretty active on…
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Why You Shouldn’t Do A Nose Thread Lift.

Not gonna lie, I've wanted a rhinoplasty (nose job) for a long time, ever since I was in the modeling industry. In fact, I was about to do it when…
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10 Hard Truth Of Psychology And Life I’ve Learned.

As I've gone through life, I've come to realize that it can be full of ups and downs. However, some of the most valuable lessons I've learned have come from…
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How I cope with nightmare disorder & frequent sleep paralysis

Since my childhood, I've suffered from nightmare disorder and sleep paralysis. It's wild but at this point, I've gotten used to it—even though sometimes it causes me to avoid sleeping.…
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CIT Facial: How Non-Invasive Therapy Transformed My Skin.

Hey there, beauty lovers! Today, I am beyond excited to share with you my experience with one of the most innovative and results-driven skincare treatments out there: Collagen Induction Therapy…
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Writing for Mental Health: How I Discovered the Healing Power of Words.

Writing has been my go-to buddy during my darkest times. I know that it's not always easy to open up to others, and at times it can feel like nobody…
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Cara Untuk Edit Google Review.

Kalau pernah buat google review sebelum ni, you akan perasan tiada butang edit atau delete after you dah post your review. Today I nak share cara untuk edit your review…
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I Can Never Understand Why People Cheat.

Cheating is a big issue in Malaysia these days. Every day, I wake up to new articles online, about people getting divorced because their partner cheated on them. It's truly…
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My fear of gaining weight is slowly taking over my life.

I spent the majority of my life being skinny. I never had a weight that was more than 48 kg as a teenager, and it stayed that way until I…
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Cara untuk buat aduan Internet Slow.

I belajar buat aduan ni bagi pihak ofis I sebab our internet connection tiba-tiba jadi slow since last year. Kadang-kadang internet tak ada langsung. Kelakar sebab ofis di bandar besar…
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I Avoid Bringing People From My Past Back Into My Life.

A friend who I considered a close friend in my early 20s recently, out of the blue, got in touch with me. Honestly, I was surprised when I received a…
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Masalah Kucing Kerap Batuk Berkahak Dan Nafas Berbunyi.

Penyebab kucing batuk adalah disebabkan beberapa perkara, antaranya adalah seperti allergi, hairball, asma yang kronik dan jangkitan bakteria.  Macam kes kucing I, Jack, batuk dia sampai tahap bila dia bernafas,…
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Tips Dan Cara Penjagaan Ketika Pakai Braces.

I pakai braces dari Januari 2020. So, tahun ni adalah tahun ke-3 dan I harap by next year I dah boleh buka my braces. Ok, sepanjang 2 tahun lebih pemakaian…
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I Replied To A Sugar Daddy Offer On Instagram.

I've never been the type of person who relies on other people's money for my own needs.  By the time I was 15, I had already learned to work to…
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Aging Part I : The Story Of A Square Face.

Despite the fact that I love being in my 30s, I must admit that I am terrified of aging. This is something I cannot deny. Recently, I talked to a…
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Where the Crawdads Sing may not be a perfect film but it’s one of my favorite.

After I got home from practicing golf today, I decided to watch "Where the Crawdads Sing" on Netflix. I chose to watch the movie for one particular reason: Taylor Swift…
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Things Change,Stuff Happens,Life Goes On.

Jan 10, 2023 | Tuesday, 08:30 pm I feel absolutely energetic today. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally managed to get enough sleep! Thank you to my exhausted…
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I’m Terrible At Remembering People.

I just recently activated my Facebook account so that I could check out what my mother has been posting on her profile because she recently celebrated her birthday. I usually…
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Cara Untuk Buat Jemputan Melalui Google Form.

Today I nak share tutorial ringkas cara menggunakan Google Form untuk buat apa sahaja jenis jemputan. Tutorial ni I buat seringkas yang boleh supaya mudah difahami oleh semua golongan. Ok,…
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PMS : The Time When I Hate Myself, My Life, And Everyone.

I hate being a woman sometimes. Do you know how frustrating premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be? It's never easy when you have to deal with it. I normally experience PMS…
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Cara Tracking Pembaca Blog Di Google Analytics.

Firstly, you kena connect dahulu your blog dengan Google Analytics. Bila dah connect, Google Analytics secara auto akan track setiap pengunjung blog. Here's how you can do it: Berikut adalah…
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Tips Penjagaan Bagi Kulit Kering.

As someone yang ada masalah kulit kering, I banyak lalui proses trial and error untuk tahu cara yang paling efektif untuk I jaga kulit I. Today I nak share beberapa…
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Let People Cope With Things In Any Way They Want.

I read an article yesterday in which Janna Nick apologized for sharing stuff related to her recent heartbreak, and she also admitted that she isn't mature enough. First of all,…
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Skin Care Advice For Healthier-Looking Skin.

After almost a year of regular visits to a skin clinic for facial treatments, I feel confident enough to share some of the skin care advice I've picked up along…
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Why I Love Being In My 30s More Than My 20s.

Like everyone else, I slightly dreaded turning 30 when I was in my late 20s. It seemed a little frightening to me to think that I was no longer very…
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My Superpower Is Being An Empath And Sometimes It Sucks.

I just finished binge-watching Manifest Season 4 Part I on Netflix. I cried so hard as I watched Zeke using his empathic abilities to absorb Cal's cancer, saving Cal and…
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Happy, free, confused and annoyed at the same time.

My big brother, has been nagging me lately to go out, meet some guys, and pick a hot one for myself. "Go wild," he said, "Have some fun!" Well, apparently,…
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Tips Penjagaan Kucing Untuk Beginners.

I dah bela kucing I, Jack, selama 9 tahun. I jaga dia macam anak I sendiri. Kasih sayang memang dapat melimpah-ruah, tak ada yang kurang, sampai tahap bila dia tengok…
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Never Regret Dating The Person Who Broke Your Heart.

We, as humans, tend to go through life with many regrets. We wish we had never met certain people, followed certain paths, or avoided certain things. "I wish I could…
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Resepi Laksa Kedah Confirm Sedap!

I ni peminat laksa. Terasa je nk makan, I akan terus buat walaupun tengah malam sebab pada I nak buat laksa ni senang. Even kalau tak cukup bahan pun I…
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Cara Untuk Deactivate Facebook & Instagram

Facebook.  Klik icon profile yang terletak di sebelah kanan atas. Klik "Setting & Privacy." Tengok di menu sebelah kiri, di bahagian Setting—Account Centre, klik "See More In Account Centre." Kemudian,…
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Cara Untuk Dapatkan Penyata Akaun Bank Secara Online.

Today I nak kongsikan cara untuk dapatkan penyata akaun bank bagi 4 buah bank yang ada di Malaysia iaitu bagi bank Maybank, CIMB, BSN dan juga Bank Rakyat. I dapat…
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Dating Advice On The Internet I’ll Never Follow.

Nowadays, dating advice can be found everywhere. It's all over the internet; you can see it on TikTok, IG Reel, Youtube, or simply Google it and bam! all sorts of…
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Have You Ever Felt Like You Have No One To Talk To?

Life has been rough for me lately. My mother fell ill two weeks ago with a lung infection, and her blood test revealed the presence of viruses. Knowing she needed…
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Coping With Rejection By Someone You Like.

Rejection hurts — it always hurts, and it usually hurts more than we expect it to. There is no doubt about that. Your ego has been hurt, and worst of…
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How I Spend My Free Time At Home.

As an introvert, I've spent a lot of time by myself at home. That's what I've always preferred (and need). Typically, those who don't know me well would say: "Why…
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Things I Have Stopped Doing That Have Made My Life Better.

My friends and family described me as someone with a tough and firm personality. I believe that I fully developed this personality when I reached my 30s. That means I…
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The Reasons Why I’ll Always Value My Online Friends

I've built a wider circle of online friends since COVID-19. For someone who lives with social anxiety, having online friends is a real blessing. It allows me to connect with…
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How my perspectives on dating have changed throughout the years

When it comes to a committed relationship, I used to be the one who looked forward to it. I loved the idea of having a life partner—to love and be…
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Things I Did When I Felt Lost & Purposeless

I recently struggled with the feeling of being lost and purposeless for around three months before I finally overcame it. Throughout that period, I kept everyone at a distance, didn't…
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How You Can Start A Self Love Journey

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but self-love is a crucial part of good mental health. I’m sharing this topic today because I know there are a lot…
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Why I’m Keeping My Life As Private As Possible

I'm not naturally a private person. I used to be one of those people that shared almost everything with anyone around me who was willing to listen or worse, on…
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Why You Should Always Pursue Your Dreams.

“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Dreams. We all have them. I’m not talking about the ones we get when we sleep.…
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My Experience Fighting COVID-19

I got COVID-19 in February when the Omicron wave hit Malaysia. I was fully vaccinated with Sinovac in June 2021 and got my booster shot (Pfizer) in December 2021, but,…
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Cara Jaga Kucing Patah Tulang Kaki Dan Pinggul

Kucing I, Jack, baru je pulih sepenuhnya dari patah tulang kaki dan pinggul. I sendiri pun actually tak tahu macam mana tulang dia boleh patah. Sebelum I pergi kerja dia…
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Situationship: The Undefined Relationship “What Are We?”

Have you ever found yourself in the dreaded "Situationship" zone? You know, that place where you're more than friends but not quite lovers, and there's no real commitment? It can…
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Toxic Friendships: The Thin Line Between Loyalty and Self-Respect.

At this point in my life, I can honestly say that I don't have many friends, and I'm perfectly content with that. While part of me feels like I could…
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Masalah Kucing Alergi Dengan Ikan

Ha, pelik kan? Macam mana kucing boleh alergi dengan ikan? Bukan ikan ni memang makanan kesukaan diorang ke? Okay, haiwan ni macam manusia juga. Ada alahan. I tahu pun sebab…
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Jangan Malu Untuk Bercakap Broken English.

I tergerak untuk tulis about this topic after I terbaca mengenai seorang DJ radio mempersendakan seorang guru yang mengajar di dalam bahasa Inggeris di salah satu program tv pendidikan. Actually,…
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Penjagaan Kucing : Barang-Barang Keperluan Untuk Kesihatan Kucing

Kucing I, Jack, I dah bela dari umur dia 4 bulan lagi. Pejam celik, sekejap je umur dah 8 tahun. Jack ni kucing indoor. Memang dari kecil I bela di…
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How i deal with sadness and be happy instead

We, humans, can't run away from sadness. It is considered one of the basic human emotions. It is a normal response to situations that are upsetting, painful, or disappointing. The…
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Cara Untuk Boost Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem

If you are low in self-confidence and self-esteem; selalu percaya you tak cukup cantik, tak cukup bergaya, tak cukup pandai, tak cukup sempurna, dll.…trust me, that can be changed. It…
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Cara Untuk Move On Selepas Kena ‘Ghosting’.

Pernah tak bila kita kenal someone, tak ada angin, tak ada ribut, tiba-tiba dia hilang? Dia berhenti cari you, text you, call you or reply to you. Ataupun, baru semalam…
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Simple Decoration For Wedding Dinner

My brother got married in March 2020. Due to the Corona outbreak, my family had to cancel the wedding celebration. Last week during my holiday in my hometown, I bincang…
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IP Cctv Untuk Monitor Kucing Di Rumah

Recently i ada Installed Ip cctv di rumah. The main reason i installed cctv adalah untuk monitor kucing i setiap kali i berada di luar. Kucing i ni memang dibesarkan…
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20 Perkara Penting Perempuan Zaman Sekarang Patut Tahu,Ada Dan Faham

1. Pastikan tahu drive kereta.  Yes, you need to know how to drive. Kalau boleh, cukup je umur terus pergi ambil lesen. Ada kereta atau tak, tu lain cerita. Yang…
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Dealing With People Who Are Unkind To You And How To Let It Go

Life has a knack for throwing unkindness our way, putting our patience and inner strength to the test. Dealing with it can be tough, yet it's through these very experiences…
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Salad recipe : Greek salad with shrimps

The Ingredients you need for the salad : A slice of lemon  Shrimps Cucumber Tomato Red Onion Shredded Carrot Chopped peppermint Mixed-leaf Red bell pepper Green bell pepper Feta cheese…
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Salad Recipe : Mango salad and the dressing

The Ingredients you need for the salad : Mango Cucumber Tomatoes Red bell pepper Peppermint Lettuces and greens The Ingredients you need for the dressing : Fresh lemon juice Olive…
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My Biggest Lesson Of 2019 : Never Betray Yourself For Someone You Love.

As a woman, I'm moved to write this article because I want other women to realize the importance of self-worth. What I'm about to share is a personal story of…
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Resepi Ayam Coca Cola. Wajib Cuba!

"Eh, are you sure? Coca-Cola with Chicken? Seriously". That was my first reaction when I heard about the recipe 3 years ago dari kawan i yang datang bercuti ke Malaysia.…
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Hanoi Finnegans Hotel, Vietnam: An Excellent Hotel in a Perfect Location.

During my trip to Hanoi, I had the pleasure of staying at the Hanoi Finnegans Hotel. Located in the heart of the city's historic Old Quarter, this hotel proved to…
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Cendawan Goreng Kunyit

Hey guys! today i nak share satu lagi resepi yang i selalu masak untuk diri i sendiri iaitu cendawan goreng kunyit.  Hanya perlukan 8 bahan dan sangat mudah untuk disediakan.…
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Why I Removed Facebook From My Life

I used to be like every other Gen Y person, living my life through social media. Tiap-tiap hari tak berhenti tengok my news feed tak kira la samaada i di…
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Cara Mudah Goreng Ikan Pekasam Yang Confirm Sedap!

I'm a BIG FAN of Ikan Pekasam. Kalau balik Ipoh (kampung i), my parents mesti akan belikan i ikan pekasam untuk dibawa balik ke KL. Ye la, macam susah je nak…
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Risiko Bercinta Dengan Non-Malay Atau Non-Muslim

Tajuk hari ini adalah berdasarkan dari pengalaman diri i sendiri. If you tertanya-tertanya samaada mudah ke bercinta dengan Non-Malay atau Non-Muslim ni? Jawapan i adalah TIDAK. Bila bercakap mengenai perbezaan Malay…
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TouchRetouch App: Easy Way To Remove Unwanted Object From A Photo

I'm not a professional photographer. What i do know, i love taking photos and i want it to look good. That is why i nak share about this app with you guys.…
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Creative Budget Doorgift : Uncang Teh (Tea Bags)

Today i nak kongsi cara untuk buat doorgift uncang teh. Doorgift ni sebenarnya sangat jimat, cuma memerlukan your time, creativity dan juga kesabaran. :) Tapi apapun, sebelum buat doorgift ni,…
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Pengalaman Bercinta Dengan Suami Orang

Disebabkan sebelum ni i pernah terjebak dengan "suami orang", i nak share sikit mengenai pengalaman i ni. Bukan apa, sebab i tahu ramai lagi wanita di luar sana yang masih…
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Greek Recipes : Reddish Beef / Beef In Tomato Sauce

Resepi ni adalah satu-satunya resepi Greek yang i belajar semasa i berada di Greece. Memang sedap. Kali pertama rasa i dah jatuh cinta! Sebab tu i belajar. So today i…
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Long Distance Relationships : What You Need To Know & Expect.

Long-distance relationships (LDRs) are becoming more common, especially among young people. But, many people believe that long-distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and…
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My Top 14 Travel Movies To Inspire Your Wanderlust

These are my Top 20 Travel Movies that made me want to quit my job, pack my bags and run around the world  : 1. Into The Wild (2007) Based on…
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Vase Survey Review

Actually i mula tahu mengenai Vase Survey ni melalui instagram after this survey buat request untuk follow my instagram. Disebabkan i ni memang jenis curious, after i approved, i pun selidik…
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Ways To Live Life To The Fullest

"Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not…
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Nasihat I Untuk Yang Masih Berumur Di Awal 20’an

It was my birthday 2 days ago. Yay! Happy birthday to me, again! To ibu ayah, thank you so much for being the best parents in the world! Walaupun banyak kekurangan, ibu ayah tetap…
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Things You Have To Know If You’re Dating A Highly Sensitive Person

As a sensitive person, I know that being sensitive comes with its own set of ups and downs. But let me tell you, it's not all bad. In fact, there…
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What it feels like to be an Introvert.

I love my little world. I get tired just from too much time with people. I feel frustrated when I explain to someone that I need alone time and they responds,…
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What My First Solo Trip Has Taught Me

I was 28 years old when I took my first solo trip. I made the decision to travel alone after reflecting on my achievements throughout 2015 - which were quite…
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Masalah Kucing Tak Boleh Kencing

Sebelum i nak share mengenai masalah kencing yang kucing i pernah alami ni, i nak intro sikit. I mula bela kucing i ni dari tahun 2013. I namakan dia Jack.…
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