10 Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing.

Who doesn’t want healthy and glowing skin? We all want to look our best, but let’s face it, sometimes our skin doesn’t cooperate. Whether it’s stress, pollution, or just the challenges of everyday life, it can be tough to keep our skin looking its best. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back! In this article, I’m going to share with you 10 tips I’ve learned that will help you maintain healthy and glowing skin. These tips are simple, easy-to-follow, and suitable for anyone, no matter what your skin type or lifestyle. So let’s get started on your journey to healthy, radiant skin!

1. Eat A lot of fruits.

Here are the top 10 fruits that are good for the skin.


  • Strawberry: Contain vitamin C, which is important for collagen production and can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.
  • Watermelon: Rich in water and antioxidants, which can help hydrate the skin and protect it from environmental stressors.
  • Kiwi: Great source of vitamin C, which can help boost collagen production and improve skin elasticity.
  • Papaya: Contains enzymes called papain and chymopapain, which can help exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover.
  • Apple: Rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C and polyphenols, which can help protect the skin from free radical damage and inflammation.
  • Blueberries: Great source of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.
  • Pineapple: Contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can help exfoliate the skin and promote cell turnover. It also contains vitamin C, which is important for collagen production.
  • Cherries: Rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins and vitamin C, which can help protect the skin from free radical damage and inflammation.
  • Pomegranate: Great source of antioxidants, including ellagic acid and punicalagin, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and inflammation.
  • Bananas: Good source of vitamin C, which can help boost collagen production, and they also contain potassium, which can help hydrate the skin. 

2. Good Hygiene.

Good hygiene is important for healthy skin because it helps prevent the buildup of dirt, oil, and bacteria that can cause skin problems like acne and irritation. To keep your skin clean, it’s a good idea to change your pillowcases and bedsheets regularly. This can reduce the number of bacteria that get transferred to your skin from your bedding. It also helps prevent allergen buildup, which can cause skin irritation and allergies. By changing your bedding frequently, you can improve your skin health and prevent skin problems. I personally do it once a week. 

3. Sauna.

A sauna is a heated room that helps relax and cleanse the skin. Here are some benefits:

  • Cleanses the skin by opening pores and flushing out impurities, leaving the skin feeling refreshed.
  • Promotes circulation by improving blood flow and bringing more nutrients to skin cells, supporting healthy skin.
  • Relieves stress, which can cause skin problems like acne and wrinkles, thus reducing stress can improve skin appearance.

4. Eat fermented foods. 

Fermented foods are good for your skin because they contain probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that live in your gut and can help support a strong immune system. This can have a positive effect on your skin in several ways:

  • Better digestion: Eating fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and kefir can help promote healthy digestion, which can improve your overall health, including your skin.
  • Reduced inflammation: Probiotics in fermented foods can reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of skin problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
  • Improved hydration: Some fermented foods like miso and tempeh can help produce hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizer that helps keep your skin hydrated and looking healthy.

While fermented foods can have positive effects on the skin, they should not be relied upon as the sole solution for skin problems. It’s important to maintain a balanced and varied diet, as well as follow other healthy skin habits, to achieve optimal skin health.

5. Avoid toxic skincare products. 

Avoid using skincare products that contain harmful chemicals such as sulfates, parabens, aluminum, phthalates, and oxybenzone. Your skin absorbs a large percentage of what you apply to it, which means that these chemicals can enter your bloodstream and potentially cause harm to your health. By avoiding these toxic ingredients, you can help to protect your skin and overall well-being.

6. Shower after a workout.

Showering after a workout is important for your skin because sweat can accumulate on your skin and mix with bacteria, dirt, and oils, leading to clogged pores, skin irritation, and breakouts. By showering after your workout, you can rinse away the sweat and dirt, preventing these problems and keeping your skin clean and healthy.

7. Avoid greasy, sugary foods. 

Eating too much greasy and sugary foods can be bad for your skin. When you consume a lot of these types of foods, it can lead to an increase in oil production in your skin, which can clog your pores and lead to acne breakouts. Additionally, sugary foods can cause inflammation in your body, which can contribute to skin problems like wrinkles and premature aging. To keep your skin healthy, it’s best to avoid or limit your consumption of greasy and sugary foods.

8. Good Hydration. 

Staying well-hydrated is important for maintaining healthy skin. When you drink enough fluids, it helps to keep your skin hydrated and looking plump and healthy. Drink 2-4L of water a day (depending on activity). Water is the best option for hydration, also drink lots of:

  • Tea: Has antioxidants that protect the skin from damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. Free radicals can cause wrinkles and age spots. Tea also contains caffeine, which can reduce redness and inflammation in the skin.
  • Coconut water: Hydrates the body naturally and has electrolytes that replace fluids and minerals lost during physical activity. Being hydrated is important for healthy skin because dehydration can cause dryness, flakiness, and other skin problems.
  • Pomegranate juice: Rich in antioxidants that shield the skin from damage caused by the sun, pollution, and other environmental stressors. It also contains vitamins C and K, which even out skin tone and brighten it. Pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory properties that can calm irritated skin.

9. Fast. 

Fasting, which involves abstaining from food for a certain period of time, can help improve your overall health and may also have benefits for your skin. Here’s how:

  • Reset your overall health: Fasting can give your digestive system a break and allow your body to focus on other processes like repairing cells and tissues. This can lead to improvements in overall health, which can also be reflected in the appearance of your skin.
  • Improve skin appearance: When you fast, your body enters a state of ketosis, where it starts burning fat for energy instead of glucose. This can help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to improvements in the appearance of your skin.
  • Take electrolytes and vitamins: If you’re going to fast, it’s important to take electrolytes, B12 vitamins, Himalayan salt, and coconut water to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can help to prevent dehydration and other issues that can negatively impact your skin health.

Fasting may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health conditions or who are pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen.

10. Take care of your mental health. 

Taking care of your mental health is important for many reasons, including your skin health. Here’s why:

  • Stress can cause skin issues: Stress can cause hormonal changes in the body that can lead to skin issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Taking care of your mental health can help reduce stress levels and prevent these issues from occurring.
  • Sleep is important for skin health: Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy skin. Sleep helps your body repair and regenerate skin cells, and lack of sleep can lead to dark circles, puffiness, and other skin problems. Taking care of your mental health can help you get better sleep by reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Self-care improves overall well-being: Taking care of your mental health through practices like meditation, exercise, and therapy can improve your overall well-being, which can be reflected in the appearance of your skin. When you feel good on the inside, it can show on the outside.


X, Hani. ❤


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