Category: Relationship

Is It Okay To Look At Your Partner’s Phone?

I recently came across a video on Instagram where a woman asked her husband if she could use his phone. Despite her simple request, it was striking to see how…
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6 Little Things You Can Do To Put a Smile on His Face.

If you are one of my regular readers, you already know how much the little things mean to me. I often express this sentiment in my posts, as I consider…
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I Went on My First Date in Years – That’s Enough for This Year!

I went on a date recently. Can you believe it? It has been a while, but to be honest, I didn't enjoy it. I would rather stay at home, writing…
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Learn to Be Content on Your Own and Break Free from Negativity.

I recently had a conversation with someone who seemed to be facing some tough challenges in life. I find it very difficult to say anything positive to him and I…
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There Are Plenty Of Fish In The Sea, But That Doesn’t Mean You Have To Pick One.

In a world that often makes being single seem like a problem, I've been rocking my single status for the past four years and living my best life. Instead of…
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Can You Really Have Close Friendships With Your Exes?

I used to be quite close with most of my exes even after our relationships ended, simply because I saw no reason not to. To be honest, when I was…
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What’s Wrong With Married People These Days?

"If I had a penny for every married man who showed interest in me, I'd be rich." Yup, you read it right. I'd be married by now if I didn't…
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The Mistakes I Made With Men In The Past That You Can Learn From.

Let's be real: relationships can be tough. As someone who has had her fair share of experiences with men, I know that building a strong and healthy connection takes effort…
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The Power of Giving Someone Closure.

Closure can often feel like an elusive concept that we may not always get in life, despite our best efforts. It's difficult to accept, but it's a truth we must…
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The Psychology Of Manipulation You Should Now.

I recently read a fascinating book about the psychology of manipulation and was struck by how common these tactics are in our daily lives, both at home and at work.…
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I’m glad I met some great people on Tinder before I stopped using it.

I last used Tinder about two years ago, and I had over 2000 matches. Yes, you read that correctly: 2000! It's safe to say that I was pretty active on…
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I Can Never Understand Why People Cheat.

Cheating is a big issue in Malaysia these days. Every day, I wake up to new articles online, about people getting divorced because their partner cheated on them. It's truly…
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Never Regret Dating The Person Who Broke Your Heart.

We, as humans, tend to go through life with many regrets. We wish we had never met certain people, followed certain paths, or avoided certain things. "I wish I could…
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Dating Advice On The Internet I’ll Never Follow.

Nowadays, dating advice can be found everywhere. It's all over the internet; you can see it on TikTok, IG Reel, Youtube, or simply Google it and bam! all sorts of…
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Coping With Rejection By Someone You Like.

Rejection hurts — it always hurts, and it usually hurts more than we expect it to. There is no doubt about that. Your ego has been hurt, and worst of…
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How my perspectives on dating have changed throughout the years

When it comes to a committed relationship, I used to be the one who looked forward to it. I loved the idea of having a life partner—to love and be…
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Situationship: The Undefined Relationship “What Are We?”

Have you ever found yourself in the dreaded "Situationship" zone? You know, that place where you're more than friends but not quite lovers, and there's no real commitment? It can…
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Cara Untuk Move On Selepas Kena ‘Ghosting’.

Pernah tak bila kita kenal someone, tak ada angin, tak ada ribut, tiba-tiba dia hilang? Dia berhenti cari you, text you, call you or reply to you. Ataupun, baru semalam…
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My Biggest Lesson Of 2019 : Never Betray Yourself For Someone You Love.

As a woman, I'm moved to write this article because I want other women to realize the importance of self-worth. What I'm about to share is a personal story of…
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Risiko Bercinta Dengan Non-Malay Atau Non-Muslim

Tajuk hari ini adalah berdasarkan dari pengalaman diri i sendiri. If you tertanya-tertanya samaada mudah ke bercinta dengan Non-Malay atau Non-Muslim ni? Jawapan i adalah TIDAK. Bila bercakap mengenai perbezaan Malay…
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Pengalaman Bercinta Dengan Suami Orang

Disebabkan sebelum ni i pernah terjebak dengan "suami orang", i nak share sikit mengenai pengalaman i ni. Bukan apa, sebab i tahu ramai lagi wanita di luar sana yang masih…
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Long Distance Relationships : What You Need To Know & Expect.

Long-distance relationships (LDRs) are becoming more common, especially among young people. But, many people believe that long-distance relationships are never going to work out. Your family may discourage it, and…
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Things You Have To Know If You’re Dating A Highly Sensitive Person

As a sensitive person, I know that being sensitive comes with its own set of ups and downs. But let me tell you, it's not all bad. In fact, there…
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