The Power of Giving Someone Closure.

Closure can often feel like an elusive concept that we may not always get in life, despite our best efforts. It’s difficult to accept, but it’s a truth we must come to terms with if we want to find peace and move forward. Some people may argue that closure is overrated, but this doesn’t mean it’s unimportant. In fact, giving someone closure can be incredibly powerful and healing. In today’s blog post, I will focus on the importance of giving someone the gift of closure, rather than discussing how to move on without it. In a world where people often normalize ghosting and ignore difficult conversations, let us choose to be different.

So, what is this closure, really?

Closure is the sense of completion that one experiences after going through a tough or painful experience. It’s like finally being able to close the book on a difficult chapter in your life and move on. When you provide closure to someone, you are helping them fill the void and find a way to be at peace with what happened. It’s about giving them the necessary tools to let go of negative emotions and move forward with their life.

Giving closure to someone is an act of kindness and maturity that we should all strive for. It requires us to empathize with the other person, listen with understanding, and provide answers, explanations, or reassurances that can help them move on from a difficult situation. By giving closure, we can help them find a sense of resolution and completeness that they may not be able to find on their own.

Are closure and forgiveness the same thing?

Not quite. While closure and forgiveness are often linked, they are not the same thing. As Oprah once said, forgiveness is giving up hope that the past could be any different. It’s about letting go of anger and resentment towards someone who has wronged you. Closure, on the other hand, is about finding a sense of resolution and completeness after a difficult or painful experience. It’s like closing the door on that chapter of your life and being able to move forward. It’s possible to forgive someone and still not have closure, or to have closure without necessarily forgiving the person who caused the pain.

The Power of Giving Someone A Closure.

I’ve been through a painful breakup without closure, and I know firsthand how tough it can be to move on. It’s like carrying a weight that you can’t put down, and it’s exhausting. The questions, the what-ifs, and the unresolved emotions can consume you, and it’s hard to find peace. That’s why I know how important it is to give closure to others.

No matter how angry or sad or disappointed I am with someone, I’ll give them closure to let them close the chapter and move on easily. It’s not about giving them a pass or absolving them of their responsibility, but rather about providing them with the answers or explanations they need to find closure. It’s about being the bigger person and helping someone else find peace, even if it’s not easy or convenient for us.

I know some people will be like “ohh, they don’t even deserve the closure.” But let me tell you, it’s not only about them. It’s about you too.  You’re letting go of the weight that’s been holding you down, and you’re freeing yourself from the burden of the past. You’re choosing to move forward and let go of the negative emotions that have been keeping you stuck.

At least when you give closure to someone, they won’t bother you anymore. You won’t have to deal with their calls or messages or their constant presence in your mind. You can close the door to that chapter of your life and move forward, knowing that you did the right thing. And who knows, maybe one day they’ll appreciate the closure you gave them, and it will help them move on too.

How we can give closure?

To give closure, start by listening to the other person with empathy and understanding, letting them express themselves until they’re done. By doing so, we help them feel heard and validated, which is an essential part of the process. Once they’ve shared their thoughts and feelings, be honest and provide clarity to help them find closure and peace of mind. This means being truthful, even if the truth may be difficult to hear. It’s important to note that closure is not about hurting the other person but about helping them find a way to move on from the situation. 

Closure is not just important in breakups, it’s necessary for other situations too, for instance, when you know someone has feelings for you but you are already in a relationship; being honest and telling them the truth can help them move on and find closure, even though it may be a difficult conversation to have. Other situations where closure can be important include the loss of a loved one, the end of a friendship, or a job termination. In these situations, closure can provide a sense of finality and allow individuals to begin the process of healing.

Fostering empathy, kindness, and maturity is important when giving closure. We create a space for healing, growth, and understanding when we provide closure, which can make the world a better place. In some cases, closure may involve offering an apology or seeking forgiveness. It’s important to take responsibility for our actions and express remorse to help the other person heal and move forward. Closure is not a one-sided process and may require both parties to work together towards a resolution. Ultimately, providing closure can help both parties find peace and move forward in a positive direction.


  • Closure is the sense of completion one experiences after going through a tough or painful experience. Providing closure to someone is an act of kindness and maturity that can help them find peace and move on.
  • Giving closure is not about absolving someone of their responsibility, but rather about providing answers or explanations that can help them find closure.
  • Closure is not the same thing as forgiveness, but they are often linked. It’s possible to have closure without forgiving someone or to forgive someone without having closure.
  • Providing closure requires empathy, understanding, and honesty. It’s important to create a space for healing, growth, and understanding, and to take responsibility for our actions.
  • Ultimately, providing closure can help both parties find peace and move forward in a positive direction.


X, Hani. ❤


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