The 15 Types of People I Avoid Befriending at All Costs.

As a social creature, I know firsthand how important it is to surround ourselves with good company and cultivate meaningful friendships. However, the reality is that not everyone we meet in life is a good fit for us. There are certain types of people who simply don’t make suitable friends, and I’ve learned over time that it’s better to avoid befriending them altogether. In this post, I’ll be sharing my top 15 types of people I try to avoid befriending at all costs, and why it’s important to be aware of these types of individuals. So, let’s dive in!

The Conspiracy Theorist.

The Conspiracy Theorist is the kind of person who believes in outlandish and unfounded theories, often with a complete lack of evidence. They might try to convince you that the government is hiding something, that the moon landing was fake, planet Earth is flat, or that vaccines are harmful. 

I’m the type of person who doesn’t think too much and prefers to keep things simple, especially when things are out of my control. I value straightforwardness and facts over speculation, which is why I find conspiracy theorists particularly irritating. Being around these types of people can be frustrating because of their constant talk of conspiracies and paranoia. It can be draining and make it difficult to have meaningful conversations. As a result, I tend to avoid being around them as much as possible.

The Unfaithful Person.

The Unfaithful Person is someone who repeatedly betrays the trust of others by being disloyal or failing to honor their commitments and promises. While it’s natural to make mistakes, the Unfaithful Person can cause significant harm to those around them.

If you really know me, you know how much I despise unfaithful people. I believe that if someone can be unfaithful to other people or things around them, they can just as easily do the same thing to me. While I’m not claiming to be perfect, I always strive to be trustworthy. As someone who values honesty and trustworthiness, I try to avoid being around such individuals. It’s important to choose our companions carefully, as they can greatly impact our own sense of trust and loyalty.

The Superstitious.

Superstitions are beliefs or practices that are not based on scientific or rational reasoning but are instead based on cultural or personal beliefs. Superstition can be a fascinating topic to explore, but when it comes to befriending superstitious people, it can be a different story. I find that people who are overly superstitious can be challenging to connect with because their beliefs and actions are often based on unfounded fears and superstitions. This can make it difficult to have meaningful conversations and shared experiences.

I’m a big fan of horror, but despite that, I don’t trust much of such stuff. I am more rational. While I can appreciate the value of tradition and cultural beliefs, I try to avoid becoming close with individuals who allow superstitions to rule their lives. I focus more on building relationships with people who share my perspective on reality and value rational thinking.

The Narrow-Minded Person.

The Narrow-Minded Person is someone with a limited or closed-off perspective on the world. They may be resistant to new ideas or experiences, or have a narrow view of certain topics or issues. For those of us who value open-mindedness and exploration, being around such people can be frustrating and make it difficult to engage in productive discussions or have meaningful conversations.

This is the main reason why I find it difficult to connect with people in my current environment because I often feel out of place. Many people here are close-minded and focus primarily on their religion and culture, whereas I’m open to exploring many things without limitations. For me, the people we surround ourselves with are very important as they can significantly impact our personal growth and development. By avoiding narrow-minded individuals, we can create space for new ideas and perspectives to flourish and enhance our overall life experience.

The Chronic Dweller.

The Chronic Dweller is someone who constantly dwells on something in their life, often seeking validation or sympathy from others regarding their sadness. While it’s important to acknowledge and process difficult emotions, dwelling on something for too long can bring down the mood and make it difficult to enjoy time together. Remember, we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we deal with it. It’s important to be mindful of our own emotional well-being and not let our emotions consume us.

Moreover, chronic dwelling can eventually annoy people around us, so it’s best to find healthy ways to cope and move on. So, it’s important to find positive and healthy ways to deal with our problems and move forward. Ultimately, we are responsible for our own emotional well-being.

The Negative Nancy.

The Negative Nancy is the type of person who seems to have a negative outlook on everything in life. Even on good days, they can find something to complain about or point out the negative aspects of a situation. It can be difficult to be around someone who is constantly negative and critical, as it can bring down the mood and make it hard to maintain a positive outlook on life.

Their negative mindset can be infectious, and before long, you may start to feel the same pessimism creeping into your own thoughts. Moreover, constant complaining and negativity can create a poisonous atmosphere, leading to strained relationships and a lack of progress in personal and professional endeavors. It’s worth noting that everyone faces setbacks and obstacles in life, but it’s how we choose to react to them that defines us. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a positive mindset and surround yourself with people who share that same outlook on life.

The Arrogant Know-It-All.

The Arrogant Know-It-All is a type of person who has an inflated sense of self-importance and believes they know everything, and that their opinions and ideas are superior to others. They tend to dominate conversations and may disregard other people’s perspectives or opinions, which can make those around them feel insignificant and unheard. The Arrogant Know-It-All may come across as dismissive or condescending, and they often have a hard time admitting when they’re wrong. This behavior can make it difficult to have productive discussions or work collaboratively with others. Ultimately, their arrogance can create a negative and unhealthy dynamic in personal and professional relationships.

The Never Wrong.

The Never Wrong is the kind of person who believes that they are always right, and will go to great lengths to prove it. They might dismiss other people’s opinions or ideas, or refuse to admit when they are wrong. This can be frustrating and exhausting to be around, especially when trying to have a productive discussion or work collaboratively. They also come across as arrogant and dismissive, which can damage relationships and create a sense of animosity toward them. It’s important to remember that being wrong or making mistakes is a natural part of learning and growth and that no one has all the answers. By being open to different perspectives and admitting when we are wrong, we can foster more positive and collaborative relationships with those around us.

The Social Media Addict.

The Social Media Addict is the kind of person who is always attached to their phone and social media accounts. They might be constantly scrolling through their newsfeed, taking selfies, or checking for notifications. This type of person can be hard to connect with in real life because they’re so focused on their virtual world. They might prioritize their online presence over their real-life relationships, making it hard to have meaningful conversations and build genuine connections.

I’m not the kind of person who is attached to their phone and I can even live without social media. Social media addicts usually don’t get along with me, as I often find their behavior a bit rude, especially when they don’t apply basic manners around others. 

The Nosy Person.

The Nosy Person is the kind of person who is overly curious about other people’s personal lives and may pry into details that are not their business. While some level of curiosity is natural, the Nosy Person can make you feel uncomfortable or even violated by their invasive questions or actions. It can be difficult to establish boundaries with someone who is nosy, and this can lead to strained relationships or feelings of resentment. 

It’s important to remember that everyone has the right to keep certain aspects of their lives private and that it’s okay to politely decline to answer intrusive questions. As for me, I value my own privacy and respect others’ personal boundaries, so I tend to avoid individuals who exhibit nosy behavior.

The Victim Player.

The Victim Player is the kind of person who often plays the role of the victim in their own life, blaming external factors for their problems and seeking sympathy or attention from others. While it’s important to acknowledge and address difficult situations, the Victim Player can become overly focused on their own problems and fail to take responsibility for their own actions or decisions. This can be draining or frustrating to be around, especially if you value personal accountability and problem-solving.

They can also be manipulative and use their victimhood as a tool to gain power or control over others. As someone who has been hurt by people who played the victim, I despise being around this kind of person because they can often appear to be nice and caring but at the same time be capable of backstabbing or betraying you when it serves their own interests. It’s important to be aware of this behavior and set healthy boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of.

The Helpless Individual.

The Helpless Individual is the kind of person who struggles to accomplish tasks independently and often relies heavily on others for support or assistance. Although it’s essential to provide help and support to those in need, an overly reliant Helpless Individual can deplete your resources and energy. Additionally, their lack of confidence or self-reliance can be frustrating or even limiting in certain situations.

As someone who values independence and self-sufficiency, I find it challenging to be around Helpless Individuals. Their perpetual need for assistance and inability to care for themselves can be exasperating. I believe that everyone should strive to be self-reliant and develop the skills necessary to navigate through life independently. Being overly dependent on others can leave a person vulnerable and stifle their potential for growth and success. While it’s important to be empathetic and supportive, it’s also crucial to motivate and enable individuals to take control of their lives.

The Self-Neglector.

The Self-Neglector is the kind of person who doesn’t take care of themselves, whether it’s through poor hygiene, unhealthy habits, or neglecting their physical and mental health. They might have a negative impact on your own well-being, or even put themselves in danger due to their lack of self-care. It can be hard to be around someone who doesn’t prioritize their own health and wellness, especially if you value these things in your own life.

As someone who places a high value on physical appearance and taking care of myself, I find it difficult to be around Self-Neglectors. Seeing someone who doesn’t take care of their appearance or health can be uncomfortable for me, and it can be hard to relate to someone who doesn’t share my values. While I understand that everyone has different priorities and needs, I believe that taking care of oneself is essential for overall well-being and success.

The Aimless Drifter.

The Aimless Drifter is the kind of person who has no clear goals or direction in life. They might lack motivation or drive and seem content to drift through life without any sense of purpose. While it’s important to take time to explore and figure out what we want in life, the Aimless Drifters can be frustrating to be around because they don’t seem to have any ambitions or plans for the future. They might also be unreliable or flaky, making it hard to make plans or follow through on commitments.

On the other hand, as someone who always has goals to tackle and values hard work and dedication, I find it refreshing to be around people who are driven and passionate about their pursuits. Being around individuals who are focused on achieving their goals can be motivating and inspiring, and it can help me stay motivated to achieve my own goals

The Bad Behavior Enabler.

The Bad Behavior Enabler is the kind of person who encourages or enables bad behavior, whether it’s substance abuse, reckless behavior, or even criminal activity. They might pressure you to join in on their bad behavior, or they might excuse it as “just having fun.” This type of person can be a negative influence on your life and might even put you in danger.

I strive to maintain proper etiquette and good manners, as I believe they are crucial aspects of one’s character. Consequently, I tend to avoid spending time with individuals who exhibit poor manners, as their behavior can reflect poorly on me by association.


X, Hani.


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