My Secret to Soft and Hydrated Skin

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since I shared any beauty tips, hasn’t it? Actually, I have plenty of tips I could share here on my blog. However, since the main focus of Wanderhoney is more on website tutorials and travel, I rarely write posts about beauty.

That said, today I want to share a tip I’ve been practising on myself—a simple way to achieve soft and hydrated skin. I’ve been doing this for the past three years, and it’s worked wonders for me. How do I know it works? Because I often get compliments about my skin!

Since I like keeping things real on my blog, you can trust that if this tip works for me, it’ll work for you too.

  • What You’ll Need

To get started, you’ll need just 3 items:

  • Full Cream Milk
  • Quaker Oats (Original)
  • Nivea Cream

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Mix the Ingredients: Combine the oats with full cream milk. Adjust the quantity of oats depending on your body size (you’ll need enough to cover your entire body). Mix until it forms a paste or mask-like consistency.
  2. Apply to Skin: Rub and apply the mixture all over your body, from your feet up to your neck.
  3. Let It Sit: Leave it on for about 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse Off: Wash your body with soap and clean water.
  5. Moisturize: Once your body is dry, apply Nivea Cream all over to lock in moisture, especially on areas like elbows, knees, heels, cuticles, and any parts that need extra hydration.

How Often Should You Do This?

No need to do this every day—once a week is enough!

What Makes These Ingredients Special?

  • Full Cream Milk: Acts as a gentle enzyme to brighten your skin naturally.
  • Oats: Provide excellent exfoliation without damaging your skin.
  • Nivea Cream: This helps moisturize and protect your skin, especially in areas that need extra hydration.

Give this a try and see how your skin transforms! It’s such a simple routine, yet it works so well. Let me know if you give it a go.

Until then, good luck and happy pampering!