This past week has been nothing short of insane. Being someone who likes to write, I’m always chasing inspiration. This time, it felt like I spent an unusually long stretch doing just that. I’ve been experimenting with different styles and techniques, exploring fresh approaches for both my blog and poetry. It’s been a rollercoaster ride—some days, I’ve felt like I could conquer the world, effortlessly producing pieces I’m genuinely proud of. On other days, though, writer’s block hit me hard, leaving me frustrated and stuck. Still, through it all, I’ve been having fun.
I’ve been itching to dive into sad poetry. Anyone who knows me well knows I have a soft spot for melancholy verses and emotional songwriting. The only catch? I can only write about what I’m actually feeling at the moment. I can’t just make something up and fake it—it’s not my style. So, I’ve been toying with the idea of revisiting some of the painful events from 2019 to spark that kind of inspiration. But is it worth it? It’s bound to mess with my mood, yet it might give me something raw and genuine to write about.
Thankfully, I have Nat. He’s been my rock through this creative whirlwind, cracking jokes and offering encouragement whenever I feel down or start doubting myself. Last week, when I mentioned needing to feel sad to write sad poetry, he teased me by saying he had a girlfriend, making me laugh because I knew he was joking.
Nat has this uncanny ability to lift me up when I feel like my writing isn’t good enough. He always knows exactly what to say. One of his gems that really stuck with me was:
“Do you want to know a secret about doing anything creative?”
“Yes,” I said
“90% of the time it will not be great. So if you want to write 1000 good words, all you have to do is write 10000 words and 1000 of them will be good. Don’t worry about if what you’re doing is good. If you write enough, enough will be good.”
Hearing that from him was such a boost. It’s advice I keep coming back to whenever self-doubt creeps in.
Since Nat is also a writer, I love sharing my drafts with him to get his feedback. His opinion matters to me. We’ve been bouncing ideas back and forth, and it’s been exciting to see my pieces evolve. Lately, I’ve been writing a lot about crushes, friendships, and the intersections between the two. It’s been fun, but I’m eager to explore deeper, more melancholy themes. Let’s see where this creative journey takes me!
The downside to all this excitement? My carpal tunnel syndrome has been acting up again. It’s hard not to overwork my hand when I’m on my laptop 90% of the time, but I’m trying to be more mindful about taking breaks and managing it better. The pain can be frustrating, especially when it limits my finger movement. My doctor suggested injections for a quicker recovery, but needles? No thanks! I opted for medication instead. Guess I’ll just have to be careful and pace myself.
But yeah, it’s been a wild and fulfilling week. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made with my writing and incredibly grateful for the people who keep me going.
X, Hani. ❤