I Tried a Vegan Diet for 7 Days; Here’s What Happened

As someone who has always been interested in healthy eating and sustainability, I’ve been curious about trying a vegan lifestyle. So, for the past seven days, I took the plunge and committed to a fully vegan diet. Thankfully, I had supportive friends who joined me, making the experience even more enjoyable.

Though we hit a small hiccup when one of my friends confused veganism with vegetarianism, a quick Google search cleared things up. We even discovered a variety of dietary options that we could incorporate into our lifestyles, which was fascinating!

If you’re unsure about the difference, here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Vegetarian: Avoids meat, poultry, and seafood but may still consume animal products like eggs, dairy, and honey.
  • Vegan: Eliminates all animal products, including meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy, and even honey.

Veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism aimed at reducing animal exploitation and environmental impact. Both diets can be healthy if followed properly, but veganism also offers ethical and sustainability benefits beyond just nutrition.

How Did It Feel to Be Vegan for a Week?

During my seven-day vegan journey, the first thing I noticed was how much more mindful I became about my food choices. Reading ingredient labels became second nature as I made sure to avoid any hidden animal-derived products.

Since I was new to this, I played it safe with my meals—mostly potatoes, tofu, and vegetables. Surprisingly, I felt full much quicker than expected and only ate rice twice throughout the week, which was a huge shift from my usual daily intake.

🥑 Cooking Was Easier Than Expected!

One of the biggest surprises was how simple vegan cooking turned out to be, especially compared to traditional Malay cuisine, which often requires elaborate preparation. Most of my vegan meals involved basic cooking methods like baking, boiling, stir-frying, or even eating raw! With only a handful of ingredients, meal prep was quicker and more efficient.

🥑 The Delicious Discovery of Vegan Options

I was also pleasantly surprised by the growing availability of vegan options in grocery stores and restaurants. Many plant-based dishes were flavourful, filling, and satisfying!

One unexpected bonus? My friends and I all lost 2 kilos in just seven days—without even trying!

The Challenges of Going Vegan

1. Eating Out Was Tricky

Finding vegan-friendly restaurants in my area was a challenge. The options were either extremely limited, or I had to make compromises on taste and variety. Some restaurants had vegan items, but they lacked the rich flavours I was used to

2. Getting Enough Protein

Since I usually rely on meat and dairy for protein, I had to be more intentional about incorporating plant-based protein sources. I relied on tofu, beans, and lentils to meet my protein needs, but I realised I needed to experiment more with other protein-rich vegan foods.

3. Finding Satisfying Desserts

As a dessert lover, I struggled without my usual dairy-based treats like cheesecake and ice cream. Thankfully, many traditional Malay pastries (kuih) are made with coconut milk, which helped satisfy my sweet tooth. I also turned to fresh fruits as a healthier alternative.

Vegan Dishes I Made.

Here are some of the simple yet delicious vegan meals I prepared:

Each meal was easy to prepare and packed with flavour!

Will I Stay Vegan?

This experience was eye-opening and rewarding. Not only did I lose 2 kilos, but I also felt lighter, more energetic, and inspired to be more conscious about my food choices.

While I don’t plan to become a full-time vegan, I will be incorporating more plant-based meals into my diet and reducing my meat intake to once or twice a week. I believe a vegan diet can be a healthy and sustainable choice, and I’m grateful I had the chance to explore it.

If you’ve ever thought about trying veganism, I highly recommend giving it a shot—even if just for a week! With a little planning and an open mind, it can be a fun, delicious, and fulfilling experience.


X, Hani. ❤