- I love my little world.
- I get tired just from too much time with people.
- I feel frustrated when I explain to someone that I need alone time and they responds, “yes, I need that every once in a while.” No you don’t get it, that is my preferred mode, almost all the time I would prefer to be alone.
- If a person stopping me to “catch up” as I’m trying to leave, it might cause me to unintentionally act very rude because i’m just so ready to leave i can’t even bare the thought of having another extended conversation.
- I always feel terribly lonely when I’m in a crowd.
- I feel inspiration in nature, reading, thinking, writing my blog or watching my favorite films.
- I feel pained being around serious people.
- I like being alone, but I hate being left alone.
- I am not shy or afraid of people. I just don’t like being around people. It takes too much energy for me to contribute to a conversation i don’t give a damn.
- Just because i don’t like going out to do things or always spending time with other people doesn’t mean i don’t enjoy myself and do fun things.
- If a topic doesn’t interest me, i don’t speak, i just can’t feign interest to impress someone.
- When i say “i don’t want to talk”, don’t push me to talk or it will completely change my mood.
- I may not be the life of a party or function, but if you need someone to share your personal feelings with, i am with you.
- I basically never get bored or lonely when I’m on my own.
- I am NOT lonely when I’m alone. I LOVE being alone !
- When i find someone who understands me, i become really attached to him.
- I like to be alone… with someone else who wants to be alone.
- I do not crave social interactions. I’m very happy doing my own thing, on my own.
- I don’t give a damn about many things that are not important to me.
- I feel frustrated for always having to apologize just because i don’t want to talk when i don’t feel good.
- I spent, and still spend, a lot of my time “inside my head”.
- I have a keener observation of my surroundings than many people, though i do tend to get lost in my thoughts sometimes.
- I tend to have very few friends simply because I seem unfriendly and boring.
- I do my best thinking when I am on my own, and feel at my most relaxed on my own.
- Something about having at least one person in this great world who understands me, allows me to walk away from everybody.
- I feel good about being introvert, at least in the sense that I don’t need a constant flow of people around me to feel good.
- I feel nervous when my phone rings or when I have to make a phone call. I don’t like people looking for me.
- I don’t like the idea that I will have to commit to something. I want my freedom. It’s a miracle I am in a romantic relationship, thanks to his persistence!
- I tend to have my own opinion, which can be opposite to majority.
- I understand very well that each person has a right for personal space and I respect that right.
- I don’t get impressed by social, political or career status of anybody.
- People just feel comfortable around others who talk and can express their thoughts seamlessly. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t built that way.
- I don’t always voice my thoughts.
- Creating things gives me energy: I can write or research or do artwork for hours and not notice the time at all.
- I love listening to music, drawing, arts in general. I like to sit quietly and watch a movie or research something that interests me.
- If I’m stuck very long in a noisy crowd I feel physically battered by the noise – I expect to see bruises when I look in the mirror.
- For must-attend events, the trick is to go early and leave when things get hyper.
- I really have high standard for who i spend my time with.
- I hate small talks because to me it’s energy and time wasting.
- After a long day spent around people, there’s nothing I love more than being by myself to recharge my batteries
- I don’t like loud people.
- When i am around people i know well, i have the tendency to be the one who is fun, chatty and jokey.
- I can almost always come up with an excuse to get some alone time.
- I don’t follow the crowd. I don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
- I don’t like to make things complicated. I hate to follow rules. I do whatever i want, anytime i want.
- I don’t like sharing things.
- Sometimes, i just don’t want to talk. It’s nothing personal.
- If there is too much talking and noise going on, i shut myself down.
- There are people in my life that I cherish to the core because they have taken the time and effort to get to know me as a person and love me for who I am.
- I express myself better in writing than in conversation and tend to dislike conflict.
- I see myself as a pretty normal person, who just happens to enjoy her own company.
- I’m extremely sensitive to other people’s moods; when someone is angry, judgmental or irritated, those emotions come through my skin and into my cells, making me even more uncomfortable.
- I’m self-sufficient. I spend a lot of time on my own and I shut off quite easily. When I communicate, I communicate 900 per cent; then I shut off.
- I spend my free time the way i like, not the way you think i supposed to.
“I like being alone, but I hate being left alone.”
Well put!