Tiub Telinga Bagi Orang Dewasa Yang Mempunyai Masalah Telinga Berair

My first ear operation was in July 2014 to remove a cyst in the middle ear. Cholesteatoma is what it’s called. I tak pernah share lagi about this “Cholesteatoma” thing because i tak tahu pun apa nak share. But if you ada masalah telinga berair atau bernanah yang tak pernah baik semenjak you kecil lagi (macam i), you better rujuk pakar ENT.

The operation (modified radical mastoidectomy – MRM) that took about 3 hours went well. Throwback sikit :

After the operation, telinga i semakin pulih. Dah tak selalu dapat infection. However, walaupun dah hampir 3 tahun i buat my first operation, telinga i masih berair. Jadi, doctor scan balik telinga i. At first doctor said i probably need 2nd operation, but recently doctor decide untuk letak tiub di gegendang telinga i. 

Tiub telinga ni dipanggil “Grommet”. Procedure ni sangat common mostly for children who suffer ear infections more often than adults. But for children, procedure performed under general anesthesia. For adult macam i, doctor buat dalam keadaan you sedar. Hehe. Sakit tak? Okay, for those yang akan menghadapi the same procedure macam i, don’t worry. The pain is bearable. The procedure only takes like 15-20 minutes. 

Fyi, i dapat rawatan pakar ENT dari Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) Since 2013. Bagi pemasangan tiub ni, doctor minta i beli EMLA cream di farmasi hospital sebab hospital tak provide. Cream ni macam ubat kebas – elakkan rasa sakit sepanjang procedure. Harga cream RM30.00. After doctor letak cream ni di dalam telinga, i kena tunggu 2 jam sebelum procedure dimulakan. I asked my doctor “sakit tak nanti doctor”. He jokingly replied “that is why i asked you to bring your boyfriend. Time ni la nak manja-manja”. Haha. Adoi. Tapi after letak this cream, serious i rasa pening.

After 2 hours, doctor pun mulakan procedure untuk masukkan tiub. Dia cuci telinga i dulu. Then he makes incision (hole) in the eardrum for the tube. Sepanjang procedure ni, to be honest, i tak rasa apa pun. Cuma ada beberapa kali i terasa sakit sikit but like i told you, the pain is bearable. Tak ada la sakit sampai nak menangis bagai. I mula-mula takut juga if after letak tiub, i akan kurang dengar sebab apa yang i baca online, banyak yang cakap macam tu. Ada yang cakap procedure ni sakit ya amat. Alhamdulillah, semua tu tak jadi dekat i. Bila doctor cakap, “Okay, dah siap”, lega gila i. Effect after letak cuma i rasa fullness inside my ear and TinnitusOther than that memang tak ada. Today is my 2nd day, sakit cuma datang kejap-kejap also with “pop” sound. Still ada tinnitus. Ubat pula, doctor cuma bagi Paracetamol untuk makan 4 kali sehari. MC pun dapat seminggu! Yay! Btw, buat this procedure tak masuk wad pun. Boleh balik hari. Cuma doctor nasihatkan i supaya jangan drive.

If letak tiub ni pun tak baik juga, bermakna i need another operation, AGAIN. Hehe. Lagipun telinga i ni kena dapatkan rawatan seumur hidup i. Bertabahlah! 

More info about the procedure boleh rujuk sini : Myringotomy.

If you have anything to ask me about the procedure, you can leave your comment below or you can also email me, or inbox me at my social account. Until then..