Things Every Modern Woman Should Know

1. Know How to Drive. 

It’s important to learn how to drive. Once you’ve reached enough age to drive, go ahead and get your driving license. Having a license means that wherever you go, you won’t have to rely on others. You never know what the future holds, especially in emergencies. Knowing how to drive is a crucial skill every woman should have.


2. Learn to Make Your Own Money

Forget about seeking a sugar daddy or relying on rich men. Learn to be financially independent. Trust me, you’ll feel so much more empowered when you can stand on your own two feet. Being able to earn and spend your own money means no one can question your purchases or tell you how to spend your hard-earned cash.

3. Embrace Independence

Living independently is essential. Not everyone will always be there for you. Get used to solving problems on your own. If you’re really stuck, you can always ask for advice from family or friends. Get comfortable doing things by yourself—whether it’s dining out, shopping, or watching a movie. Building your own career and earning an income will make your life more secure. You’ll be able to buy your own property and never need to wait for someone else to come through, especially when it comes to money. Always be ready to take care of yourself, no matter what stage of life you’re in.


4. Save Money

It doesn’t matter how much you save each month; just make sure you’re saving. Your savings could come in handy one day. Remember, this money is for you and you alone—don’t use it for anyone else.

5. Have Life Insurance

You don’t need an expensive policy—just a basic medical card will do. It ensures you can access private hospitals if needed. Don’t rely completely on public hospitals; the private ones offer faster checkups and results.

6. Don’t Feel Inferior If You Didn’t Go to University

Not everyone gets the chance to further their studies. Education is important, but remember, some people succeed in life due to their experiences, not just their degrees. Be ambitious and always keep learning because everything in life is learnable. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Never feel less than others just because you didn’t attend university. 

7. Invest in Your Bedroom

Your bedroom is where you spend a lot of your time. Having a beautiful and organized room can help you feel at peace, especially after a long day. Take time to decorate your space—it can reduce stress and make you feel relaxed and energized.


8. Travel Alone at Least Once

Solo travel teaches you how to handle yourself and solve problems independently. At first, it may seem daunting, but trust me, once you do it, you’ll feel empowered. You might even meet other solo travellers along the way. It’s a great way to become braver and more resourceful in unfamiliar places.

9. Turn Jealousy Into Motivation

It’s natural to feel jealous, but instead of letting it bring you down, use it as motivation to improve yourself. Whether someone is more beautiful, successful, or has more money, see it as an opportunity to push yourself toward your own goals. Don’t let jealousy turn into negativity—embrace it as fuel to do better.

10. Don’t Neglect Foot Care

Many women focus on their faces but forget about their feet. Cracked heels, dry skin, and unkempt nails are common issues. Taking care of your feet doesn’t require much effort—soak them in warm water every weekend for 20-30 minutes, apply Vaseline for cracked heels, and moisturize daily. It’s simple; it just needs consistency!


11. Let Him Pay for the First Date

Let him pay on the first date, not because you can’t afford it, but because it reveals what kind of person he is. If he’s a gentleman, great. If he’s cheap or expects you to pay every time, that’s a red flag. For subsequent dates, you can start splitting costs, but always be fair and reciprocal.

12. Take Care of Your Physical Health

You don’t need to be conventionally beautiful, but taking care of your health is key. Clean skin, hygiene, and dressing well can make a huge difference. If you’re not happy with your appearance, focus on what you can improve, like your style or fitness. Embrace your unique beauty and make an effort to feel and look good.


13. Wear Sunblock Every Day

I used to ignore sunblock in my 20s and now I wish I hadn’t. The damage from not using it is visible now. Sunblock is essential to protect your skin and prevent premature ageing. Apply it regularly, and you’ll thank me later.

14. Don’t Lend Money Easily

People often beg to borrow money, but when it’s time to pay it back, they come up with excuses. Be cautious about lending money. It’s fine to say no unless you truly trust the person. Learn to protect your financial independence.

15. Don’t Fall for the Hype of a Relationship Too Quickly

Today, dating is complicated. Just because you’re dating someone doesn’t mean they’re your boyfriend. There are different stages, like “seeing someone” and “committed relationship.” Don’t fall in love too quickly. Clarify the relationship status early on. Make sure you’re on the same page about what you want.

16. Support Other Women

Women are naturally emotional, but we can use this empathy to lift each other up. Support your fellow women, even if they’re strangers. We’re all in this together, so let’s be there for one another.


17. Ignore Negative Comments

People will always talk about you, whether you like it or not. Don’t let their opinions bring you down. Be yourself, and prove that you’re living your best life without reacting to negativity. Show them that your life is too good to waste energy on their judgments.

18. Learn English

If you’re not fluent in English, start with the basics and practice. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s not our native language, so it’s okay to make mistakes. I improved my English over time by practicing consistently. Don’t let the fear of judgment hold you back—keep learning and growing.

19. Wear Pantyliners for Hygiene.

Always keep a pantyliner with you to maintain hygiene, especially when using public restrooms. Change it every 3-4 hours. It helps keep you fresh and prevents discomfort. A little effort goes a long way in keeping your body clean and comfortable.

20. Don’t Rush Into Marriage

Love is beautiful, but don’t ignore the responsibilities and commitment that come with marriage. Take your time to truly get to know your partner. Love alone isn’t enough to guarantee happiness. If a relationship is toxic, don’t hesitate to walk away. Take your time and make sure your future partner aligns with your values and goals.



X, Hani.