In case you belum baca Part I & Part II, you can click the link below :
Solo Travel 2017 : Panduan Percutian Ke Bali, Indonesia (Part I)
Solo Travel 2017 : Panduan Percutian Ke Bali, Indonesia (Part II)
People In Bali.
This is something i can’t wait to share with you guys. From my own experienced, Balinese people are the nicest and friendliest people that I’ve ever met. They’re helpful, gentle and incredibly polite. Something yang i sendiri tak jangka sebenarnya. Bila i cakap dengan supir i, dia jawab “really?”, and he said, maybe because i banyak buat baik dengan orang sebelum ni. Sebab tu, when i’m alone, di negara orang pula tu, orang layan i baik. Ceh, kembang hidung sekejap. Haha.
About their religion, agama rasmi di Bali ni adalah Hindu. Kebanyakan Balinese people adalah beragama Hindu. Bak kata supir i, agama lain dalam 20% camtu. Jangan confused bile tengok muka melayu, muka jawa, tapi bukan Islam. Selain tu, diorang ni mostly can speak english. Mungkin sebab Bali ni pusat pelancongan popular yang dipenuhi oleh pelancong asing. Ada sesetengah tu nampak je selekeh bagai, tapi can speak good english. Kudos!
Antara my good experienced with Balinese people :
- I terlupa bawa usb cable for my phone. After i checked in my hotel, i pun keluar cari usb cable. Masa i jalan, i ternampak satu kedai ni ada display usb cable. I pun masuk lah tanya. After dah test semua, i pun beli. Sementara tu, i sempat la sembang with the owner about my trip. Bila balik hotel, i still tak boleh nak charge my phone pakai travel adapter with that cable. That time around 11.00 pm dah. Kedai pun dah tutup. Receptionist hotel offered untuk tolong charge my phone. Esok harinya bila i pergi balik kedai tu, dia terus bagi phone charger dekat i, for FREE. Dia cakap pakai je untuk kemudahan sepanjang i di Bali.
- I pergi mini mart in front of my hotel untuk beli makan for dinner, i ambil roti dan 2 biji apples. Bila di kaunter, ada 2 orang cashier. They asked me where i am from. I pun sembang lah and after diorang tahu i travel ke Bali alone, one of them asked me if i wanna change roti yang i beli with roti hotdog. Dia boleh masakkan hotdog untuk i. I pun of course la nak. Lagi sorang cashier pergi ambil chips and cakap dengan i that chips dia bagi for free.
- I berjalan sekitar Kuta dan terus ke pantai Legian-Kuta-Legian-Seminyak. Sepanjang i berjalan kaki, mesti akan ada orang tegur tanya where i am from, how was my trip, etc. Serious i tak rasa sunyi terutama bila i di pantai. They are all so friendly. Seriously!
- I beli 2 botol mineral water and it cost 10,000.00 IDR. I tak ada duit kecil nak bayar. Cuma ada sekeping 50,000.00 IDR, 5,000.00 IDR & 2,000.00 IDR. I bagi 50,000.00 IDR and that cashier cakap dia tak ada duit tukar. I was about to give up 1 bottle but apa yang cashier tu cakap, suprised me. Dia mintak bagi je berapa duit kecil yang i ada. That time i cuma ada 7,000.00 IDR dan itu sahaja jumlah yang dia ambil.
- Most of tourist attractions di Bali termasuk beach, nak masuk kena bayar. Tapi, setiap kali i nak beli ticket masuk, when the person yang jual ticket tanya “sendirian aja?” dan i jawab “ya”, i dapat half price ataupun kurang dari harga yang sepatutnya. Ada yang terus bagi i masuk free. Macam tu juga bila i beli barang atau makan. Special betul i rasa layanan yang i dapat. Haha.
- After i scanned my 2d barcode for boarding pass, i kena verify my boarding pass di kaunter Air Asia. I pun berbaris dan ada satu Indian couple behind me suddenly pergi ke kaunter when it supposed to be my turn. I looked at the staff and i rolled my eyes tanda tak suka that couple. Haha. What the staff did to that couple was funny. He asked the couple to go back and wait for their turn. Then dia panggil i pergi ke kaunter. I smiled at him and cakap thanks. I gave him my boarding pass to verify. But what he did, he printed me new boarding pass with a new seat. I tak tahu my new seat ni adalah hot seat sampai bila tiba masa untuk boarding, the staff panggil nombor-nombor hot seat untuk boarding dahulu. I was suprised since i tahu nak duduk seat ni kena bayar. To that Air Asia staff, i don’t know who you are, i don’t know your name but thank you so much. You made my day.
Place I stayed.
Tanaya Bed & Breakfast : Located in Legian. Good location to stay. Mula-mula after i booked Superior Twin Room, baru i dapat tahu the washroom bukan dalam bilik. Kena shared. Then i emailed the hotel and asked them to upgrade my room which will cost me 100,000.00 IDR / night. Not worth it. Bila tiba masa i nak check in, the staff said dia ada baca my email dan sebelum i betul nak upgrade my room, dia minta i tengok dulu bilik yang i dah booked. After i tengok, it was not as bad as i imagined. Nasib baik staff tu minta i tengok dulu. Washroom just in front of my room and i still got my privacy since i ada kunci for that washroom. Cuma susah sikit setiap kali nak pergi washroom kena kunci bilik. Overall, it is a very good budget hotel. The bathroom is always clean. They provide towels, mineral water, shampoo & body wash. Wifi also free for their guest but make sure you request the room near to the lobby since i ada terbaca review wifi teruk if bilik jauh dari lobby.
Vilarisi Hotel : I regret i booked this hotel. I booked for Standard room and nasib baik la i booked only for 1 night. Fuhh. The only thing i suka about this hotel is the location. It is located in Legian and quite near to the beach. I checked in this hotel around 8.30pm after i balik dari my full day trip. This hotel is a bit run down. The 1st room they gave me, it was awful. Location bilik i boleh dikatakan penghujung hotel, with no other room di sebelah bilik i. Yang ada cuma tangga untuk turun ke bawah yang gelap gelita. I boleh pula imagined pontianak berdiri kat situ. Haha. Then, wifi memang tak boleh connect langsung. Bilik pun susah nak kunci. Jiwa kacau betul i that time sampai la i ambil keputusan untuk minta tolong receptionist to change my room. Nasib baik la the staff are very helpful. They changed my room near to the lobby. Mungkin bilik lain yang mahal sikit okay kot but if you nak book standard room, i tak galakkan.
Serela Legian Hotel : This is without a doubt the best hotel I stayed at while in Bali. Everything about this hotel is good. It is near to the beach like 5-10 minutes walk. I highly recommend to stay here if you go to Bali. Great value for money!!
If you nak book Hostel, i suggest to book any of the hostel below. They got good reviews :
Monostel Hostel : Located in Legian.
H-ostel : Located in Kuta. Near to the beach.
The Camp Hostel : Located in Legian.
My Place Batubelig : Located in Seminyak.
Denpasar International Airport
(Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport)
Arrival : Terus je pergi ke Imigresen untuk cop passport. I arrived at 6.35pm. Very long queue but all went faster than i expected. The officer just tanya i berapa lama di Bali. I jawab until 28th Feb. Then, kalau ada checked in luggage, boleh pergi ambil. Kalau tak ada, terus pergi untuk customs clearing. Bagi custom form yang dah diisi di dalam flight. Letak beg semua untuk di scan. Dah settle boleh terus keluar. Kalau dah deal dengan supir or hotel, keluar je arrival hall, banyak yang tunggu dengan kertas yang dah ditulis nama you. Time ni kena buka mata besar-besar nak baca satu-satu sebab ramai nya Ya Allah. Haha. Nasib baik la supir i tunggu di barisan paling depan.
Departure : Check in dulu yang penting. Di Denpasar Airport ni, kena melepasi security check dahulu sebelum boleh masuk ke dalam untuk ke kaunter-kaunter airlines. This security check, hanya untuk scan your bag. Tak perlu lagi keluarkan liquid semua macam security scan sebelum naik flight. If tak ada apa-apa urusan di kaunter, boleh terus masuk ke dalam gate penerbangan antarabangsa. Yang lain-lain tu prosedur sama je macam di setiap airport. Airport ni boleh connect wifi for free. Katakan sampai awal (flight lambat lagi), boleh terus je jalan ke dalam untuk cari gate. Ada restaurant untuk lepak makan. Toilet pun ada di setiap gate. Tempat nak charge telefon pun ada. Tempat nak lepak baring-baring pun ada dan gate di airport ni senang nak cari. Jangan lupa untuk check balik departure screen sebab sometimes your gate akan ditukar.
P/s : When you travel alone to other country, trust your instincts. Macam mana you jaga keselamatan you di Malaysia, macam tu juga kat negara orang. To my family and my boyfriend, thank you so much for trusting in me. Thank you for the endless love and support!
So, where’s next? Opss, wait and see! Until then..XOXO