30 Quirky Facts About Me You Didn’t Know (But Probably Should!)

We all have our little quirks—those unique things that make us who we are. Some are endearing, some are downright weird, and some make people question our life choices. But hey, that’s what makes life interesting, right? So, today, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing some of my quirkiest, most random, and sometimes unexpected traits.

Brace yourself—you might just learn something new about me (or wonder why we’re even friends). So, let’s get to it!


1) I had a different name when I was born.

When I was born, I was given a different name. My parents decided to change it later on, and my grandfather helped them choose my new name. That’s the name I go by now. However, during my time in primary school, there was some confusion about my birth certificate, and my old name was used instead of my new name. At the time, I even had a bank account under my old name. If you look at my signature, you’ll notice that I’ve combined both of my names in it.

2) I don’t drink milk.

I don’t drink regular milk because I’ve never liked its taste. However, I can drink flavoured milk, such as chocolate or strawberry, as long as the flavour is stronger than the milk. For example, if chocolate milk tastes more like milk than chocolate, I won’t drink it. Also, I’m pretty sure I have lactose intolerance because every time I consume dairy, my stomach acts like it’s in an extreme obstacle course.

3) I don’t like strong-tasting food.

My taste buds are divas. They like things mild and subtle. I enjoy shrimp, but lobster? Too intense. I like beef, but if the flavour is too overpowering, I’m out. Fish? Only if it doesn’t taste too fishy. Cheese? It’s acceptable in burgers or cheesecake, but eating it alone? Nope. I am also not a fan of lamb. I don’t like the smell, I don’t like the taste. That also means I don’t eat anything raw because it has a strong taste.

4) I don’t eat melons.

The only melon that gets my approval is watermelon. Cantaloupe and honeydew? Absolutely not. They have an overpowering sweetness and a weird texture that I just can’t get behind. Plus, their scent is way too strong—it’s like they’re trying too hard to impress me, and it’s just not working.

5) I like being in the dark.

Call me a vampire if you must, but I genuinely enjoy darkness. My old housemate used to get annoyed because I rarely turned on the lights. Sunproof curtains? Essential. When cooking, I either use a bit of natural light from outside or a small lamp at night. While some may find it strange, I find comfort in the darkness and prefer to keep my house on the dimmer side.

6) My favourite weather is moody & rainy.

Give me gloomy skies, thunderstorms, and steady rain over a bright, sunny day any time. There’s something magical about the sound of raindrops, the cool breeze, and the way everything just feels calm. It’s like nature is giving me an excuse to stay in bed with a warm drink and a good book. Honestly, if I could bottle up that moody weather feeling, I totally would.

7) I’m a light sleeper.

If a pin drops three rooms away, I’ll hear it and wake up. My sleep is that fragile. The sound of dripping water? Instant irritation. A snoring person? Absolute nightmare. If I ever have a partner who snores, we are 100% getting separate bedrooms, and I say that with love (and self-preservation).

8) I do things fast.

I move like I’m on 2x speed—whether it’s walking, talking, eating, or working. Some people struggle to keep up, but slowing down just feels wrong. If you give me a task, you can expect me to deliver the result quickly because that’s just who I am.  I have an obsessive need to complete tasks once I’ve set my mind to them. It’s just how my brain works: if I plan to do something, it’ll haunt me until it’s done.

9) My phobias include lizards, holes, snakes, and deep water.

I have some pretty intense phobias. Lizards? Nope. Even if they’re dead, I can’t be near them, let alone in the same room. Holes? Gives me goosebumps and nightmares. Snakes? My fight-or-flight response activates even if I see a picture of one; I’m always on edge and imagining worst-case scenarios, even though I live on the 17th floor of an apartment building. Deep water? Only if I can touch the ground and have someone physically holding onto me. Otherwise, count me out!

10) I’m sentimental.

I value emotions and feelings. I believe in expressing my love and appreciation for people openly and making the people I care about feel appreciated and loved. Words are my love language, so if I like you, you’ll definitely know it. When I develop a close friendship with someone, I tend to gush about them to others and say all the good things about them. Other than words, I like to show my affection through gestures and little gifts.

11) My favourite smell is vanilla.

Something about vanilla just soothes my soul. Whether it’s a candle, perfume, or freshly baked cookies, the scent instantly puts me in a good mood. I even mix vanilla oil into my lotion to carry that comforting scent with me all day.

12) I was in a reality show.

Yep, I once competed in a reality show and made it to the top 3 out of 15 contestants! It was a wild experience—photo shoots, live TV, talk shows, even billboards. Not many people in my life today know about it, but it’s definitely one of my coolest memories.

13) I was a good debater.

High school me? Arguing my way through debate competitions and winning the Best Debater title multiple times. People thought I’d end up as a lawyer or politician, but life had other plans. I enjoyed the challenge of debating and taking on any topic. Even though my team lost in the semi-finals, I still won Best Debater—a fun and fulfilling experience.

14) My right pinky finger is a bit crooked.

At some point, I must have injured it because the bone is slightly off to the right. It doesn’t cause me any pain or discomfort, but I sometimes like to playfully freak out my friends by pretending to break it. I can actually make it pop, which freaks them out.

15) I’m crafty.

I have a passion for crafts and enjoy creating things with my hands. From making origami to crafting paper flowers and butterflies to drawing and painting, to even writing poems and designing simple projects, I have a diverse set of skills. At one point, I even had a small business related to crafting. However, as time went on, I haven’t been practising these skills as much as I used to, so they may have faded away a bit. Nonetheless, I still love being crafty and creating things when I have the chance.

16) I suffered from Chronic Otitis Media for 27 years.

The chronic ear infections led to regular episodes of vertigo, extreme ear pain, and sensitivity to sound and temperature. I had to spend those years hearing my own voice and breathing inside my ears as well. It even affected my balance, and the doctor eventually found the formation of cysts in the middle ear that could erode vital structures in the temporal bone. I had major surgery nine years ago, and thankfully, the condition hasn’t returned since.

17) I only shower with goat milk shower products.

I take great care of my skin, especially since I know I have dry skin. After some trial and error, I discovered that using goat milk shower products is the best way to keep my skin looking and feeling its best. I love how my skin feels after using goat milk shower products, it’s smooth, hydrated, and healthy.

18) I am very firm and strict.

I might joke around a lot, but when it comes to my principles, I do not budge. When I say ‘No,’ it means ‘No.’ I expect people to be honest and sincere with me, and I won’t tolerate lies or flakiness. I value good manners and respect, and I give the same in return. If I make a promise, I keep it. If I say I will do something, I follow through. If I decide that someone is not a positive influence in my life, I cut them off and move on.

19) I normally don’t wear the same outfits more than 2-3 times. 

I rarely repeat outfits. Whenever I get new clothes, I tend to wear them only 2-3 times before giving them away to someone else who shares a similar size to mine. 

20) I often have nightmares and sleep paralysis. 

I have had this condition since childhood. To cope with it, I turned to the horror genre, which has become somewhat of a lifesaver for me. It has even helped me become braver in my daily life. Sometimes, when I have a nightmare where I am holding my breath, I unconsciously hold my breath in my sleep, which causes me to wake up gasping for air.

21) I have social anxiety.

Based on my appearance, most people assume that I am good at socializing. Well, the truth is, when I was younger, I was great at it, but as I’ve grown older, it has become increasingly difficult for me since I’ve changed a lot. I now struggle with social anxiety. I don’t enjoy being around people I don’t know, or crowded places, and if I am forced to do so, my body tends to shake and my heart beats rapidly, often leading me to cry.

22) I grew up with male friends.

I found it easier to get along with men and more comfortable being around them than with women. I think it’s because having four brothers influenced me a lot on that. As a result, some parts of my personality are more masculine than feminine. Due to my adoption of some male behaviours and attitudes, some women may find it hard to be around me, and some of my friends have commented that I can be a bit harsh or tough when they expect me to be more gentle or sensitive.

23) I’ve spent the majority of my life having short hair. 

For most of my life, I had boy-cut hairstyles or different types of short hairstyles. I used to enjoy changing my hair colour frequently too. But as I entered my 30s, I realized that short hair no longer suited my changing facial features. So, I decided to grow it long and have been keeping it that way ever since.

24) I’m the eldest but also the shortest.

I am the eldest of four younger brothers, but I am also the shortest among us. While my brothers are all over 180cm in height, I stand at 173cm. This has often led people who don’t know us to assume that I am the youngest sibling.

25) I hate Math. 

Despite working in finance and accounting, I’m not a fan of math. Small calculations are manageable for me, but when the numbers get too big, I rely on a calculator. I was never really good at math anyway.

26) I am very punctual.

I take punctuality very seriously, and it can be frustrating for me when others don’t share the same mindset. In Malaysia, it seems common for people to be more relaxed about showing up on time. As for me, when someone suggests meeting at 8 p.m., I expect to meet at least 5 minutes before the agreed time, not an hour later. I get annoyed when people don’t respect the importance of punctuality. 

27) I’m a good cook, at least I think so.

I’d say I’m a pretty good cook. Malay cuisine is my thing, and I can be super critical when eating out if the food doesn’t taste right. Maybe I got it from my dad—he’s an amazing cook and just as picky as I am. My family actually runs a small catering business, so cooking is basically in our blood. I take pride in the fact that my friends and family rarely leave my table without a satisfied smile (or asking for seconds). 

28) I used to have a mole on my face.

When I was younger, I had a mole on my face that made me feel really self-conscious. People would often make fun of it, and it made me feel unattractive and insecure. Eventually, at the age of 22, I decided to have it removed. Since then, I’ve felt much more confident in my appearance.

29) I have a keen eye for details and I’m highly observant.

I notice small details that others might miss and am especially attuned to people’s behaviour. Whether it’s a slight change in an organized space or a subtle lie in someone’s behavior, I can easily catch it even if they’re trying to hide it. While I don’t always speak up about what I’ve observed, I have a knack for things that others might overlook. If there’s something wrong with an item, material, information, etc., I’ll be the person to catch it. I normally like to play dumb, but the truth is I noticed.

30) I like songs based on the lyrics, not the music. 

Unlike most people, I’m not really into songs just for their melody or beat. For me, it’s all about the lyrics. I love songs that have deep and meaningful lyrics—they just speak to me on a whole different level. To me, the lyrics are what make a song truly special, and I’m always on the lookout for songs with powerful words and messages. That’s why I tend to gravitate towards sad songs because the songwriting is usually so touching.


X, Hani. ❤


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