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Tour Agent/Supir In Bali : Why You Should Book With “Pak Yanto”.

Bali holds a special place in my heart as one of my favorite destinations to escape from the hectic pace of life. For years, I made it a tradition to visit Bali annually, seeking comfort in its peaceful beauty and lively culture. Unfortunately, the pandemic in 2020 put a halt…

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10 Things You Need To Know About Singapore

Singapore is undeniably one of the most captivating destinations in Southeast Asia, a paradise brimming with lush greenery and iconic wonders. I have been wanting to visit Singapore for a very long time, and I’m so glad I finally got the chance to do so just in time for the…

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Greece Part IV : A Quick Travel Guide To Milos Island.

When people think of holiday destinations in Greece, they often think of popular islands like Mykonos, Santorini, and Corfu. However, today I want to introduce you to a lesser-known island that I absolutely adore: Milos Island. It’s one of those places that I can’t help but gush about because it’s…

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Nasihat I Untuk Yang Masih Berumur Di Awal 20’an

It was my birthday 2 days ago. Yay! Happy birthday to me, again! To ibu ayah, thank you so much for being the best parents in the world! Walaupun banyak kekurangan, ibu ayah tetap…
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Make Your Travel Adventure Cheaper & Better With These Companies

Here i want to share with you guys some of the good companies that can make your travel adventure more cheaper and better. If you know any companies that you want me to…
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Cara Transfer Duit Ke Akaun ASNB Melalui Maybank2u (Classic Website)

* Untuk transaksi menggunakan website Maybank2u yang baru, boleh klik di sini.  Today I nak share dengan semua cara untuk transfer duit ke akaun ASNB dengan menggunakan Maybank2u. Firstly, sign in ke akaun Maybank2u.…
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Things You Have To Know If You’re Dating A Highly Sensitive Person

As a sensitive person, I know that being sensitive comes with its own set of ups and downs. But let me tell you, it's not all bad. In fact, there…
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Ubah Penampilan Dalam Waktu Singkat

Pernah tak bila tengok diri sendiri dekat cermin, terdetik dalam hati nak tukar penampilan ataupun nak nampak lain dari kebiasaan? Okay, berikut adalah tips mudah yang boleh anda follow :…
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