How One Simple Act of Decision Can Change Everything

Life is full of choices, though not all of them seem important at first. Yet, it’s often a single decision that sets the course for major change, leading to growth, new opportunities, and happiness you never expected. It doesn’t need to be a big, dramatic choice—sometimes it’s the small, quiet moments of deciding to start, stop, or change the direction that make all the difference. It’s amazing how much power lies in the decisions we make.

This topic has been on my mind lately, especially after a sudden decision I made earlier this month. I was feeling frustrated with my work environment, and it was starting to affect my sleep. One night, I barely slept, with thoughts of work keeping me awake. The next day, I vented to a colleague about it. She felt sorry for me, but something unexpected happened later that day.

A superior from the admin department approached her with an offer to transfer to another department. She had mentioned wanting to transfer when she first started working here a year ago. However, after hearing about my situation earlier that day, she hesitated, feeling that mine was more critical. She would have felt selfish if she accepted the offer, so she told her to offer me the opportunity instead.

At first, I was hesitant, too. I genuinely love my team, but there were a few colleagues whose energy I didn’t quite vibe with. I started feeling distant—or maybe I was just being too sensitive—but it eventually started to affect me. As I sat at my desk, my gut instinct told me it was time to let go of the team, and my thoughts began to shift:

“This opportunity has come out of nowhere. What are the odds this suddenly appeared? This is your sign.”

That’s when I decided, “Screw it. I’ll accept.”

I walked to the admin office without second thoughts and told them I accepted the offer. To be honest, I was scared. The entire week before the transfer, I barely slept, worrying about how the new department would accept me. What would the environment be like? How would I fit in? I was terrified.

I also kept talking about it with my partner, and he reassured me, saying,

“Remember how tough things got for you at the previous workplace, and you survived for years? Don’t worry; you’ll manage. You’re good at what you do. Honestly, I’m more worried about you making friends, but even that—I believe you can handle.”

Hearing his words brought me some relief. He repeated the same reassurances in different ways, always encouraging me to believe in myself.

As I write this, I’m already in the new department. It felt awkward at first. I didn’t interact much with anyone unless it was related to work. But a few people welcomed me warmly, especially my new accountant, who made an effort to make me feel at ease. In other words, I already feel much better in this new environment. The tension I used to carry has faded, and I’ve noticed small changes in myself—I feel lighter, more positive, and even more productive.

See? How one simple decision can change everything. Imagine if I hadn’t accepted the offer and let my fear of the unknown hold me back—I would still be stuck in an environment that slowly made me unhappy.

This reminds me of the night I met my partner for the first time.

It wasn’t planned at all. In fact, I had turned down meeting him a few times. I even ignored his messages more times than I’d like to admit. But he kept reaching out, checking in on me, and being the kind person he is.

One night, while replying to one of his messages—he asked if I had dinner yet—I spontaneously said,

“Let’s grab something together.”

That decision, made in a single moment, led us to where we are now.


There are so many examples I could share, but if I did, this post would go on forever. The main point I want to share with you is this: our lives are shaped by the choices we make. So, choose. We’re all afraid of making the wrong decision, but to me, whether the choice turns out to be right or wrong, it will lead us somewhere. It doesn’t matter if the decision feels wrong at first—you can make it right. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear of the unknown. We all have fears, but we’ll never know what’s waiting for us if we don’t take that first step.

Make the decision, and if the result isn’t what you imagined, that’s okay. Keep moving forward and make another choice. The important thing is knowing that whatever you choose, it feels right when it brings more happiness and positivity into your life.

So, if you want to do something, do it. Text that person. Send the email. Call them. Tell someone you love them. Let someone know you miss them. Go after the opportunity you’ve been eyeing. Say yes to the offer. Walk away from what’s holding you back, and don’t look back. Get married—or don’t. Have kids—or decide not to. Start your business. Try something new. Decide what you want, even if others don’t agree with it. If you fail, try again. Make that second attempt. And yes, even reach out to me if you want to. Whatever it is—make the decision. 

Don’t live your life with regret, wondering “what if” because you didn’t take a step forward. Just do it.

Take control of your story.


Until then. X, Hani.


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