As an introvert, I’ve spent a lot of time by myself at home. That’s what I’ve always preferred (and needed). People who don’t know me well often assume otherwise, saying things like:
“Why do you hate being outside?”
“You’re anti-social.”
OK, let me set the record straight. I don’t hate being outside—you wouldn’t see me travelling if I did. I just don’t enjoy being out and wasting time on things that don’t interest me, like strolling through malls, window shopping, or meeting people I barely know. I’m also not anti-social. I have friends, and I can interact with people just fine—especially when someone gives me a good vibe. The truth is, I’m just selective. I carefully choose how and where I spend my time because I know I burn out easily around people. I feel most alive when I’m alone, so I make sure my energy is well spent.
To give you a better idea of how I spend my free time at home, here’s a glimpse into my routine:
Writing and Editing Blog Content.
I spend most of my time at home writing and editing blog content. A single blog post can take up an entire day at my desk and sometimes several days to complete. That’s why I’m often unreachable when I’m at home—I don’t like interruptions while writing unless it’s from someone very special to me.
If you’re wondering what I gain from blogging, aside from travelling, writing is my passion. I express myself best through writing. I want to share my experiences—both good and bad—as lessons for others. Plus, when I receive emails from readers thanking me for my posts, it motivates me to keep going. Writing also improves my skills, and though I dream of writing my own book someday, I don’t feel ready yet. For now, my goal is to keep improving.
When I’m not writing, I do the following:
Binge-Watching Tv Shows and Films.
Horror is my go-to genre. If I can’t find any new horror films or shows, I’ll head to YouTube and watch short horror films at random. Otherwise, I pick whatever suits my mood. I have access to Netflix, Unifi PlayTV (which includes Disney+ and Amazon Prime), Sooka (mainly for Formula 1), and Plex (where my friend shares their downloaded film library).
On Formula 1 race days—usually Sunday evenings or nights—nothing else gets my attention. The same goes when a friend of mine competes in a race. I block those dates and focus solely on watching.
Here are my top 3 favourite YouTube channel:
Coffeehouse Crime.
BuzzFeed Unsolved.
True Horror Stories POV.
Learning Photography and Photo Editing.
I’m a huge fan of good photography, and honestly, it frustrates me when people take bad pictures of me. Because of that, I’ve learnt some skills on Skillshare to guide those who help me take my photos. I’ve also experimented with different editing techniques to find what works best for me. If you follow me on Instagram, you might notice I’ve been playing around with red tones in some of my pictures. Red was never my favourite colour, but through editing, I found it more intriguing than others.
Playing the Piano or Guitar.
Two years ago, I bought a keyboard piano. A year later, I got a guitar. Music is therapeutic for me—I honestly can’t remember a time when I didn’t have music playing in the background. It helps me stay productive. I’m not very skilled at either instrument yet, but learning to play both has been an enjoyable and calming experience.
Here are my top 3 favourite YouTube channels for learning music:
Andy Guitar.
Creative Piano Academy.
Browsing e-Learning Platforms and Taking Online Courses.
In recent years, my curiosity has led me to explore astronomy, ancient history, and etiquette. I even considered buying a telescope, but after seeing the price, I decided against it (for now). I have a habit of obsessing over topics that interest me, so I like to keep feeding my mind with knowledge. I also like it when people share their knowledge with me without making me look dumb. I mean, it annoys me when people want to “test” someone’s intelligence by asking a question regarding knowledge they already possess. Knowledge should be shared, not used as a tool to make others feel inadequate. Not everyone remembers everything they’ve learnt, and not everyone can recall information under pressure. If you have any knowledge, share it generously.
My favourite platforms for e-learning and online courses:
Final Thoughts
So, that’s how I spend my free time at home—doing things that genuinely bring me joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s writing, learning, or indulging in my favourite hobbies, I make sure my time is spent meaningfully. After all, we only have so much energy in a day, and I’d rather use mine on things that truly matter to me.
X, Hani